17 Reviews liked by Baclex

I would spend unironically countless hours just battling for nothing in this game.

Crisis core kingdom hearts version

I hate the goron dance. I know this is a skill issue, but I am unable to progress.

My brother convinced my little sister that the joy-cons are voice activated and could take screenshots my saying “switch: screenshot!” And then when she did, my brother would hit the screenshot button on his controller. She thought that was the coolest thing ever and I didn’t have the heart to tell her otherwise. So anyways, the game kinda sucks.



FNAF: I have millions of fans and I'm only an indie project

P.T: Bitch please, I have billions of fans and I don't even exist

Perfect example for why JRPGs do not need to each be 1000 hours long to be good.


wish link would down thrust me 😩

Completed 100cc only with NSO Rewind feature

Time travel is awesome!

right before they took this off the app store it was actually unplayable due to all the money traps and powerups and shit lmao

“Those are some Angry Birds”

Better than Smash Wii U in terms of content and everything outside of stages IMO. I also have a lot more fond memories with this game, since I played it when it came out vs. Wii U once Bayo was released.

What EA has done with this franchise is one of the biggest gaming L's of all time.