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RedBackLoggd commented on Moister's review of Drakengard
Did you end up feeling for them?


2 hrs ago

3 hrs ago

RedBackLoggd commented on Moister's review of Drakengard
Great review Moister, I've been hoping to find an in-depth analysis of it and yours did the cake.

Very saddened to hear about the jankiness and grindy nature of the combat/exp system as I heard the story was terrific and really wanted to experience it. Looks like I gotta find some mods to make this worthwhile should I ever pursue it.

That's a terrific observation - that it seeks to be a deconstruction of JRPGs, like the Unforgiven of JRPGs. I heard it's the most depressing game ever made haha - any truth to that?

Btw - small typo in the second paragraph, you say stripes and I think you meant strips

3 hrs ago

NOWITSREYNTIME17 commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list JRPG's Ranked
@averypaledog turn based combat, enemies have numbered hp that pop up when you attack them, there are stat ups in the overworld. It's a horrible jrpg but it is definitely a jrpg lol. dont know why youre worked up over something most people would agree to be true. also there's many reasons to dislike this game besides not liking it because its not like the first 3 games.

3 hrs ago

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