finally got this damn game out of my system and on my gamer card

amazing presentation and cool controls, not so amazing level design. obscene screen crunch here imo


yah idk the game kind of jumps the shark, like this game is so far removed from the initial premise of legal proceedings and murder mysteries that the first game at least establishes the veneer of lol.

if you can appreciate the game for what it is as the wright anything agency's wacky j-drama adventures rather than a more meaningful sequel to apollo justice and the games which came before it, its a great time. but the way characters are written is kind of ridiculous and off-putting as a canonical entry in a multi-decade series, and the cases (PARTICULARLY THE PHANTOM GOOD GOD) are just so far removed from any semblance of gripping character drama or gritty mystery or anything to that effect

i enjoyed the game for what it is, i just hope this is not the direction capcom takes for the inevitable ace attorney 7

will never understand why this game has the reputation that it has.

before this remaster i'd only played the ps1 version before, not sure if the famicom or gba versions sucked or something, but i've always thought this game was excellent as far as 80s jrpgs go and pretty cool to visit in the modern era.

the story is a little basic, the combat isn't balanced in the least, and everything is kind of obtuse and confusing without a walkthrough. in other words this is a jrpg from the 80s. even dragon quest 3 is just as guilty. i'll never understand why this game gets picked on in particular.

on the contrary, i think that for the time its cool how this game has a dynamic world, memorable characters, a growth system allowing lots of freedom (which forces you to consider every action you take in battle and how it will or won't help you), and gorgeeous melancholy music which really sets the atmosphere this game goes for.

if you've never played final fantasy ii before, you should give this version a chance. there isn't really much like it from this era of gaming.

pokemon sv at its best. feels weird reviewing right now when i know i'm just gettin started but the main story at least is over.

the double battle format is great and should be the new standard, the open world story stuff is frankly handled better than the main game, the new multiplayer mechanics are fun and addicting, the music is a nostalgia sucker punch, the story is quite fun with lots of new instant classic characters, and i can tell the postgame is going to keep me occupied probably until the next game is out.

if only it shipped in a finished state!

really impressive presentation with voice acting, graphics, music etc and intermittently touching and gripping storytelling, but imo held back by rather boring puzzle gameplay and a lot of runtime feeling rather insubstantial.

when the game is good it's really cool and when it isn't particularly good it's still nice to just look at and listen to and move around in. but ya could've done with less screentime focused on water pollution and band drama lol

goddamn 2 was so much better than 1 lol

super fun duology, really intuitive and addicting with a lot to keep you thinking on your feet. i do think some more rpg mechanics might've been good, often feels like there is not a lot of room for choice in your general strategies for solving problems. at worst sometimes it feels like you are just being thrown at chess puzzles.

sensei's theme is playing on loop in my head

idk about other ppl my age but i was genuinely surprised by how good this game is. always thought it was one of those sorta novelty retro games ppl just remember fondly that doesn't have a ton of merit in the present day. nah this is like as good as any rpg you can play nowadays

can yoko shimomura please get to do work on a platformer mario game btw? between this and sparks of hope i am gonna miss her if they stop hiring her for these games lol

awesome game, super fun shooter and amazing homage to the movies. marking it down a point for technical issues and bugs and stuff, consider waiting for the patched version or whatever. if this game ends up getting fixed then its a must-play. regardless, as is, i had a splendid time.

a bit more direction and indication on side quests would be good, felt like significant content was easily missable sometimes. story felt tonally inconsistent, couldn't always tell when the game was trying to be thoughtful and when robocop was supposed to be an over-the-top ridiculous psychopath. game gets really fun once you start getting cool upgrades and stuff, imo some of that stuff should've just been there from the get go.

i do hope this game gets a patch tho

BEST IN CLASS, yet another must for anyone with a switch.

half point docked because i think octo expansion was still better, and its obvious where steps down were made for this format. more variety woulda been good, the selection of objectives feels like i'm playing fire emblem awakening or sumn sometimes lol

perpetually begging nintendo to make a full solo splatoon game, sumn like this with the size and scale of sumn like pikmin 4 or mario odyssey would be a shoe-in for every award around

game's tekken 7 but better, which is all i really needed. half a point deducted because the singleplayer story mode feels a little lame and dated, especially after street fighter 6 included a fully fledged jrpg out of the box lol.

claudio makes this game much more fun

great game, feels like a big step up from the first game despite being of course rather iterative. easy recommendation to just about any gamer but not outstanding on any front.

the new mechanics are all very fun and the bosses especially feel waaaaay better here than the last couple games but if i'm gonna be mean i just wanna say this game is the absolute case in point example that not every game needs to have a parry system shoved into it. its fun enough when it works, but it doesn't add a lot. feels unintuitive in a game that is otherwise optimized to feel as smooth as possible.

the story and stuff wasn't really the strong point of the last two games and it isn't this time either, but i think its fun for what it is. these game would benefit from having a more focused narrative that gives the player more time to get invested.

you can tell how hungry insomniac is to make that wolverine game lol. what ultimately is unfortunate abt these insomniac spider-man games is to me is they ultimately feel almost like the video game equivalent to mcu movies (back when we liked those). they're polished and highly enjoyable crowd pleasers i could easily recommend to just about anyone who enjoys a fun video game, and this is by far the best one yet, but nothing that will be occupying my mind at all likely until they drop the next one. i hope insomniac finally makes something really special with the third game or wolverine or whatevs

feel so bad for final fantasy 16 getting released in between zelda and this game lol. nintendo the best to ever do it

writing this review as of defeating the shadow lord in the nation missions and achieving rank 6

interesting experience lol. ff14 content drought and the incoming vanadiel raids have had me curious, and so here i am.

gameplay is interesting, its nothing like your typical mmo gameplay. its an attempt to convert traditional final fantasy atb gameplay into an open multiplayer mmo format, and it ends up being kind of cool. unfortunately due to how progression in this game works atm, i honestly don't know much about properly playing the game despite having beaten the initial final boss. npc "trust" avatar npcs carry you through much of the combat while progressing in this game and in my case, my beastmaster pets have picked up damage where the trust npcs could not. my actual playable character isn't doing much, and i assume that isn't really going to change until i hit the level cap at endgame. obviously, this makes for a less engaging experience in gameplay than the sister final fantasy mmo, and 14 already gets criticism for an unengaging gameplay loop at lower levels.

story is very mmo-y here lol. the nation missions are very basic and don't really start picking up emotional stakes until about the last second, but of course thats not really what the "story" is here. the story is how you explore the world, discover the game, meet people and make friends, etc. that being said i am hoping the expansions will have more of a traditional rpg story to offer like 14 does. as it happens i've already made some headway in chains of promathia and rhapsodies of vana'diel, due to how progression works here. the game doesn't really want you to move through expansions one after another, but rather open them up in bits and pieces to unlock stuff from them as needed. which is kind of an interesting way to do things given that the actual stories here are told in their release order.

funniest thing to me has been the timeline issues between the nation missions and the rhapsodies of vanadiel missions. the rhapsodies missions are intended to be played asap to help facilitate early progression, but the story within them assumes you have completed at least the nation missions. lion and zeid are introduced within these missions as your trusted allies, but of course you do not actually go through the scenes of meeting them until the last nation missions of the base game, where zeid in particular treats you like a stranger. feel like these rhapsodies "catch-up" missions could have had storylines that better suit the point in the game at which you are intended to play them?

the music is nice and the game looks nice too, its really nice just being in this world and getting to explore it. if not for "the vibes" i'd probably find this a lot less engaging.

on to rise of the zilart!

oh and general protip, level thief to 15 as a support job option. treasure hunter is a godsend to have when you need it.

cannot believe this game didn't take off harder or get more traction lol

sometimes the puzzle gameplay feels either a little basic or a little obtuse, but it constantly remains an exciting and usually fun hook that kept me glued looking for more i could do with it. works here, could make an amazing full budget console game with some prop mechanics like zelda or half-life. i found it weird that there is a hint system which sometimes will outright tell you the answers and other times be effectively worthless, only gripe that stuck out to me.

as an actual visual novel this is as good as it gets. amazing presentation, exciting story, perfect characters, and lots of little details and bits of dialogue to hunt for if you're feeling hungry. its all you could want.

if you need sumn to satiate you while waiting on some ace attorney news, this is it. going to be the game i am thinking about it for a while i think. voice acting would have been nice though