Not the best but there's definitely worse

The story is simple and it's just a mean of moving through the levels, the levels themselves are interesting although sometimes they're just corridors and big areas (maybe it's just a Halo engine habit?) and the game is very unique given that you don't usually play as a zombie anti hero in any story, and it really does work but sometimes the zombie AI and the attacking mechanics really hold it back. The special abilities are cool and there's some really memorable moments so overall it's still a very interesting experience

One of the best Rockstar Games along with GTASA and Bully: not because it's unique in its shooting, it's a shooter as common as it gets; it's great because it's unique in every other aspect of its world and the way it simulates the life of a law breaking gunslinger in the old wild west. It also has a banger of a soundtrack

Metal Wolf Chaos is funny, maybe even accidentally with the awkward writing and voice acting but it's done in a very lovable way. Gameplay wise it's pretty basic but fun... until you get to the final bossfight which can stunlock you to death. The difficulty there is very artificial and there's no checkpoints which makes it very painful to fight against.
It's worth it for the story, dialogue and voice acting but that boss left a sour taste in my mouth.

Gorier and faster than its predecessor but with less of its charm from the exploration and wackier setpieces. Still quite enjoyable and funny overall, too bad about that cliffhanger at the very end though

Charming in its own right and way better than the actual original material. The abilities aren't too crazy but they're fun to play around with, gunplay feels alright (with autoaim on otherwise it'd be really painful) and you can watch a few movies in their entirety on the 360 version. A bit on the short side but still an enjoyable experience nonetheless.

This is how you add on to the previous work left behind while still keepin it fresh and different. Story wise they kept it simple but gameplay wise it's a total expansion of the previous entry's gameplay but with even more mechanics and some QOL improvements on the down low. Maybe the story does feel a bit stiff because the main character doesn't speak at all but the cutscenes make up for it.

It's not terrible but it's not good either

Replayed this after a bunch of years and I have to say that the only really good thing about this is the uncensored humour that I didn't catch as a kid

Maybe going into menus all the time to change your camo and heal yourself isn't that good of an idea but still a pretty good game

I don't think this game is for everyone, the basic combat and the slightly janky controls won't get any better, you do get other abilities and moves that help you progress through the game but it'll still be janky and maybe somewhat hard depending on your skill level. If you're willing to accept the jank you'll be rewarded with a down to earth story about a man becoming extremely powerful to save the people he cares about and the whole world while dealing with some really corny stuff going on all over around you. Genuinely it's a game that despite the flaws it shines with charm and a funny sense of humour (even accidental)
Great music

Enough has been said about this game to probably write a book on it but you can slip on seagull's poop or get peed on and I'm sure some people liked that a lot

Gameplay wise it's really good, there's a lot of QOL improvements compared to the other games but unlike Skate 1 the story is so barebones it just feels like you're going from challenge to challenge without any real development, not that it matters though, but it could've been nice to have something more interesting
Great selection of music

Gameplay wise it's pretty tight and fun, but the story leaves you hanging for more, the length is about right but the story is clearly pointing to a sequel or something else
Good music