I'd say the one thing 3 has over this is 3 having more content, but everything else is a mostly vast improvement. It loks nice,the new mechanics are a great addition, and there aren't a lot of characters I don't like playing. Also the steam port doesn't suck a huge chunk of balls so thats awesome too.
Though this game DEFINITELY needs more stuff. also english dub pwease i need ian sinclair

Its like Phasmaphobia but you can feasibly win

Its kinda mindless but its fun to just turn your brain off and kill things

I wish the game wasn't super janky on steam tho lol

You see, Banban 1 was like short and it had like nothing in it. However, 2 has more stuff, but all of it sucks so its a 2 and a half hour boring fest of nothing and slop. A normal person would quit here, but I am willing to give this series that I previously wrote off as garbage a chance.

baller ass fucking video game

I am rating this game as a remake. As a game on itself, it is still just as baller ass as the original.

This remake is a pick your poison type thing. There are improvements in this remake like fast forwarding, skipping tutorials, new songs that schmack and a new game mode, however not as much as it could, like adding saving without a save block. Also its in 30fps, which you get used to but will definitely mess you up. The visuals are up to you, I prefer the OG mostly but the new look does look pretty sick at times.
Little nitpicks:
- Why the FUCK did they change the title theme?
- The giant battles are flipped the other way for some reason
- The music is more consistent than what i've heard from the Superstar Saga remake, but that also means that none of the music is a super huge improvement over the original OST, its either slightly better or slightly worse.

This one is probably the least different of the mario advanced games, so my opinion on this game mostly stayed the same.

This game is fun for like the first bit but as it goes on it gets so fucking boring, at least without the turn limit, which I haven't played. We'll see how it fairs with one if I ever do this again

I found the gameplay and story more engaging in this one. Still makes you FEEEEEEEEEEL like a south park just as much as Stick of Truth. Oh one thing, the switch port has like super long ass loading times, but other than that runs pretty fucking good.

This game really makes you FEEEEEEL like south park. Also its kinda like paper mario so if you are one of those guys who feels like they are lacking a new classic style paper mario game, maybe this'll scratch that itch.

While gameplay can be stale, it does kinda have the gold standard for f2p monetization. Some people say the crossovers and trying to be relevant are tacky, I find it endearing.

REALLY sucks that I didn't jive with this one, growing up with Inside Story and all. The baby mechanic is very hit or miss, and when it hist it doesn't hit very hard. Also the last I'd say 3rd or 4th of the game was pretty torturous, maybe I was underleveled or something but I was just not really having a good time at all, brought the game down a ton. Was NOT a fan of how the bros moves where done, didn't see why it had to be changed. Doesn't help that I didn't find a lot of them very fun to perform, many of them felt rather samey, and I guess so did Superstar Saga, but those where quick and snappy to pull off. Also I don't know if this was a skill issue or not but the hit detection felt a bit off, but I am willing to blame that on me. In short, Bowser Inside Story better go play that one.