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dropping down from low orbit, smashing into the ground like a violent hammer, and emerging with my heroic pose; when at it's best, Hell Divers 2 will truly make you feel like a heroic bad ass, or a soldier lost in a world of pain. sadly Hell Divers 2 has so many small issues that result in it never really being able to find perfection.
the difficulty system is iffy. lower difficulties are so boring, that i usually default to 4 for a balanced experience. but when i want more rewards, or want to play with friends who want more of a challenge than me, the higher difficulties can often feel simply unfair; dropping everything they have on you, and never really letting you breathe. this paired with some clunky feeling movement mechanics, and an ammo system that pretty much punishes you for using your primary gun at all, and Hell Divers 2 can quickly turn to an unfun experience in the wrong circumstance.
the customization is also an aspect i feel is overlooked, but not well fleshed out. you can't change your overall color scheme, so often to get your Hell Diver to look good, you have to pick specific pieces. i usually prefer the armors with the default color scheme, but that means i'm basically locked out of using certain pieces that i think look really cool, because they wouldn't fit in with the rest of my fit. if you don't care about your character looking nice, and you just want the best stats possible, you probably won't mind, but as someone who's found himself playing Fashion Divers, the customization has often left me upset and annoyed.

over all gets a 4/5
a really fun and promising game, but has so many issues that i want to be sorted out before i can call it really great.