awh yeah this is so much better than street fighter, they even got honey the cat in this

i didnt like this, this sucked, i dont like how anything feels in this game when u play it. I like sonic the fighters so much better

one of the hardest fucking kind of shitty kind of good games ive ever played

I dont think i get Tekken yet, but it is pretty cool

everyone in this game looks like theyre just one bad day away from puking everywhere uncontrollably out of stress or that they smell like piss, its hype

First time ever actually BEATING this and I liked it! I think it got fuckin annoying sometimes bc its the first kirby game and enemies appear on the screen like almost right as you yourself show up on the screen but its whateves. I actually found the bosses more of a threat due to the lack of access to power-ups... I kinda wish there was another game in the series Like This where its mostly just around kirby eating and spitting out stars rather than having some kind of gimmicks going on around him or powers. Short as fuck platformer u can beat in less than half an hour probably if u dont die at all during it, and i actually like the first renditions of these songs :)

This shit is actually really fun I just got tired because it rlly is just kind of a silly minigame collection, i think ill pick it up and beat the rest in a later date when I want some time to kill

im mad i actually beat this shit, i did it by pure accident and i feel no accomplishment whatsoever
but a completed game is a completed game, and in spite of me just getting this and Trying it out bc i thought it looked terrible
I can actively recommend tht this isnt even fun for curiosity's sake
And the wild thing is, Ive actually seen almost all of the episodes of the show

this shit is KINDA cool at first and even has fuckin' Elliot from Open Season as a playable guy for some reason
But a lot of these level layouts piss me off
Chicken Joe is so cool though, I think if he was an actual person id definitely be his girlfriend in college

i dont understand
why did they try so hard making this good
also "american" being a skin color is absolutely hillarious

Luigi damns everyone good and otherwise into a perpetual Evangelion ass fusion of being one with music and being one with movement so everyone is permanently forged to be throwing ass for eternity. Truly the darkest mario game in the franchise
Still better than Drive(2011) though

Very short! Very sweet little experience though :) the visual style is great and the platforming is a nice little romp to be had.
I think the only gripes I have are the stars i was missing in the truck levels like what the hell
i also dont really get what the reaper dude's deal was but thats okay i guess thats what the sequel is for whenever I play it

[previously shelved review around May I said "
pisses me off"]

WELL. I did it. I finally beat the thumbfuckenest game ive ever seen, many told me to switch to the PSP version but I told them Fuck no i wanna get better. I almost got weenie buffered out of playing this shit entirely because sometimes it felt like doing the guitar wiggles on a ps2 controller isnt accurate or just straight up will not register so it just feels safer to just hold the control stick in that way and move it up and down in the designated curve... deep inhale
and youd think that means this game's gameplay boils into a lot of that but actually nah its a ps2 stylized rhythm/music game, the hit detection and latency issues have long since been fine to adjust to like parappa the rapper 2 showed me

This game fucks, but just like the parappa games I think it fucks Enough for me to say that I love it but its not one of my favorite games of all time or anything. Let me explain

The sheer variety in how much shit you do with your guitar (gitaroo in this case) is so awesome and switching between phases of Charge, Battle and the Final are so gnarly. My personal favorites are Flyin' To Your Heart, Tainted Lovers, Beejam Blues, Overpass omg AND OFC THE LEGENDARY THEME RULES!!!!! The dub is also one of those cheesy dubs that feels like a low budget anime but you can get the vibe that each voice actor is holding their own in those lines, just kinda funny!!

I also think sometimes when youre on Guard phase it just slaps you with whatever the fuck in those later sections, but i never let that stop me from persevering

The story itself is pretty simple and fun, empowering and wholesome too, even if i think the final scene is kind of "What lol" like Good For Them ig
I think gitaroo man conveys a lot through it's music and that is that your raw emotion is your gitaroo and if you believe in yourself that's the first step to riffing your way up, whether its aimless or weird or even bracketed in.. your gitaroo is your own and nobody can take that shit from your cold dead hands

Uhhhhhhhh BUT YEA its a cool game, definitely one of the best stylized rhythm/music games ive ever played. It's not too long and if you think this version is harder than mammoth shit and u feel like ur gonna get carpal tunnel or something for all the Melvins out there, u can just play the PSP version
Ur only missing out on it not being 60fps if u play that version and the controls are (allegedly) tighter!