this one SUCKS!!!!! but its funny and the graphical style is neat
plus i fucking love the cutaway gag quicktimes

my ONLY nitpiks with this amazing little game is that the co-op feels like a massive after-thought unless they have more stuff theyre gonna roll out post-launch, i enjoyed playing as bandana dee but the camera sometimes was like "aw man, really? why cant i just walk a foot apart from kirby.." AND i think im just never gonna get over how much i like the Void Termina boss fight in Kirby Star Allies compared to the one in this game as a final boss. Its not bad by any means though, im also walking away from this kirby entry with some new fave songs and i REALLY like how much there is to see and explore and how the Objectives are laid out. Definitely a contender for one of my top 5 games this year

This review was written before the game released

You NEED to buy this now. Im from the future. You NEED to gas this. You NEED to.


this is the first DOOM game ive ever played and I actually liked this game quite a bit :o
I dont think ill ever be big on the shooting genre but this had a pretty good gameplay loop, looks great and the challenges and secrets were genuinely fun to find and everything. It never really felt like it was getting too repetitive and I guess my only gripe is that i kinda wish there was more bosses like

theres only like 3 in this game and the final boss doesnt even have a second form which i found rly weird, it was still pretty fun but
h u h. it was strange.
but YEAHHHHH this hit the spot like a cold slushie at the gas station

cute little game :> i enjoyed it quite a bit

this shit is so cool but god i wish it had some level of english translation

Its so nice finally being able to say I finished this game,

And i think this is the strongest 3/5 i could probably give a game because whats there and whats cool is REALLY Cool
This shit was so disorienting sometimes that the movement would add to my frustration rather than make me feel like I was mastering something new and exciting.
I enjoyed every city you visit and I even did most of the side content as well(i kind of lost steam near the latter bit though)
The story also just feels F i n e, I think the final hour of gameplay happens really fast but I like the game not being too long because otherwise it wouldve felt like shit wouldve just dragged on.

I also ran into some pretty shitty bugs that would just completely fuck up me trying to just play the story missions normally, which sucks but I mean I was playing it on Ps Now so im pretty sure it was That or the remaster's fault rather than the core game's issues.

Its still a good game, I like Kat as a main character and the art direction + music and comicbook style of storytelling was cooolll. I think Kat's scream kind of burned into my cerebral cortex after a bit though...
I just cant bring myself to say that this game is a masterpiece though, but it is worth checking out and playing because there really isnt anything else quite like it. Its all in all just a cool action 3d platformer with some owch lows and pretty alright highs >:) Im expecting to like the sequel a lot more
Whenever it is that ill be able to play it anyways bc for some reason Ps Now locks Gravity Rush 2 to console Only

My only complaints is that it doesnt quite have as much depth to it as other big fighting games but i really fuck with the music and different characters and the rhythm mechanic so much that I can atleast say this is worth a look

this is fun as fuck to move around in and i really dig how colorful NiD is, but i feel like the gameplay itself really isnt for me

as much as i like minecraft i dont think i will ever live this down

this shit is FUCKING A W E S O M E
actually art
really fun

There are few video game experiences as painful as this honestly

This game was really cool! i really dug some of the music tracks in this game and just the overall look to it. I beat the whole game's story mode all in one sitting and i thought all the levels were relatively fun. Some were kinda TOO chaotic for single player IMO, I think this is a game that works better as a party game than a whole single player experience. I really liked the character design and mixed objectives with what you do to earn points to get a complete trophy in the game too! (Becky and the final boss being my favorites in design). Theres even raccoon city as a level! And all the resident evil stuff is really cool! All in all its a pretty solid game that i got some fun laughs out of seeing all the way through. its just i think some of the levels arent great in layout compared to others and so on.
one thing i thought was also rlly cool about this game is that Cosmi kinda reminds me of the Irken logo from Invader Zim and that made me smile :> the menu theme for this game is my favorite track too