Ok i only played the demo, but i think i have enough of a keen eye to know that the main character is a hot monkey

I liked the demo! The concept is something that has a lot of potential

i just beat it and while I do think this was visually stunning and such an awesome experience, I think the stuff with the endings is kind of lame and thats partially bitterness from fucking myself out of the 'Best' ending(Which im not going to spoil bc its pretty awesome). It's fun though and genuinely had me jump in my seat a few times whew
This isnt much of a HORROR horror game though, more like youll see some unsettling shit Almost akin to that of Yume Nikki, but in a much more linear and literally straightforward approach. im giving it a 3/5 mainly because I think the experience is short and i think not being able to get the best ending in your first playthrough kinda blows, b u t it is worth checking out because the sound design and aesthetic and charm of it all is such a sweet little package that it makes me wish I could confidently rate it higher. Liz is SUCH A SWEETIE

OOOOOKAY, i beat it
I finally finished this game in all its entirety
And I gotta say. this is Almost a perfect platformer
This game rewards you for playing fast in nearly every stretch of the way and the graphics/voice acting are funny and charming. The funniest story in the game and the most serious story in the game both achieve what they set out to do easily. I found myself getting more interested in the multiple perspectives more and more with each playthrough, and this is coming from someone with no nostalgia for this game really. Its one of the coolest 3d platformers ive ever played and definitely scratches a sonic itch with me. I may tweak my rating down after playing Sonic Adventure 2 though

F U C K thee camera but holy shit tht was so funny and fun

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I did like it, but i should Not have played this shit after DMC3
i do think the story, while simple, is really satisfying though because of the prior knowhow of DMC3
but other than that I really think my problems with DMC3 were doubled down into playing this, and its not even the game's fault. Instead of harping on "wahhh i wish i did this or that" I'll get into the meat of what i Did like about this
I think this game has a palpable as fuck atmosphere and its really cool, I liked how not everything was streamlined and sometimes the angles really were impressive shots, I enjoyed the flair each weapon have in spinning into frame and the details like fire and lightning were So COOL fuck and ofc the cheesy coolness that goes into the dialogue and voice acting that boomerang's back around into being some of the raddest shit ever. I also really fuck with how short this game is, all things considered. I ALSO REALLY FUCK WITH THE SOUND DESIGN LIKE DANTE SOUNDS SO.. GRIZZLY? He sounds less like hes having fun in this one compared to dmc3 and more like 'im a get shit done kind of guy' rather than a 'tch yeah ill get shit done whatever' kind of guy
Now im gonna sound like im full of shit for saying this but I think some of those positives Also work against it, I think that often times
i didnt know what the fuck i was even doing in this game
i also think some of the bosses kind of suck dick
and i fucking hate the camera angles
the camera angles are so aggravating its insane
sometimes i felt like in a couple rooms there were atleast 5 different shots id be walkin into and I hATED it
Holy FUCK i hated it, and it looks like I wont get a taste of DMC without it until I actually start and finish DMC4
(i was told not to play dmc2 but, m a y b e...... M a y b e i will.....)
I am givin this game 3/5 because my gripes aside it is still a perfectly functional early ps2 era action game and there were moments when it genuinely did have me hyped. But those moments were also kind of bogged down by me just hating some gameplay design decisions

i like the visual style of this game a lot and maybe ill pick it up at some point again but for now i think its gonna sit up there in the roms fol- i mean. the shelf with my other legal copies of video games, until i decide to dust it off and give it another fair shake. The gameplay felt kindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????????????????

im shelvin this i cant fucking take it anymore dude
i just hate spike chunsoft

i thank uberhaxornova for showing me this dev company even existing

i cant believe they made an entire world where trans people can surf

it has Optimus Prime vs Snake for fucks sake

There are few rings of hell that're hotter than the rage this induces in me


please dont be like the yume nikki remake
please dont be like the yume nikki remake
please dont be like the yume nikki remake
i love you ilove you i love you i love you