there is a masterpiece of an open ended platforming experience here with like six cinderblocks chained to it's feet

I really love the OST, even some of the zones are really cool like quartz quadrant and wacky workbench but I just really wish this shit wasnt so frustrating with the past/future trigger
Why the fuck would you make it speed triggered in this game like who thinks "ah yes i will design a video game that needs thing to go back in time and do some bullshit to get through, let me just add all these places you can get crushed, get the wrong time power, get fucked by enemy placement and i think ill add a fuckton of spikes too"

Dont get it twisted though this shits still way better than Sonic 1

i like how easy the boss fights are and Amy & Metal Sonic are awesome, the style of this game rules but i CANT excuse some of the buulllllshit i had to sift through until i actually started having Fun fun at the near tail ends of the game
I get Why people love it though, maybe if i replayed it with prior knowledge now id like it more but for now? EhHHHH

i went into this scared shitless and came out of it with one of the most cerebral thrashing experiences ive ever had in a video game.

It's NOT an understatement when I say this game would be in my top 5 favorite games of all time if it personally hit the same merits to me as my actual top 5, but that is saying something because this game embodies everything that I love about the medium in its own way.

You know the usual with Killer7 if youre reading this, yeah each smith is really fun to play and they have their own unique weapon and weird little superpower going on but what really nails it all
what really brings this all together
is the SOUNDS
the sounds of heaven smiles laughing as they march towards you and you immediately start mashing your button trying to locate where they are
the sounds of the music being gradually sifted out when they approach closer and closer
some with panting breaths and others with weird little indicator noises

That feeling you get when you miss a shot, anxiety hitting you as it marches closer and closer flinching only as if the heaven smiles were stung by bees and not even taking a bullet to the head
their weakpoints sometimes not even being fully apparent and the sound of your reload and empty rounds dropping like marbles on the floor praying you can hit the weakpoint and recenter yourself to deliver that sweet blow
and THAT is what EVERY encounter feels like in this game, its a consistent mix of weird intrigue and unsettling adrenaline swirled together like peanut butter and chocolate bro
It's the palpable atmosphere you can taste thats followed by political critique galore, yet it never even fuckin dwells any particular take or statement for Too Long
Like the game itself was made full in the intention that some dialogue you just mull over, you get crumbs of information and if youre like me and you only played No More Heroes 1 or NONE of Suda51's games, i think youre in the perfect position to be knocked flat on your ass

Some say the story purely doesnt make sense & honestly i could totally see how someone could play start to finish and just be confused the whole time, but i was actively trying to piece things together through the remnant psyches, every cutscene in this damn game felt like a drop of fiji water in my mouth after dragging my tits through a mile of hot asphallt
I genuinely dont think ill ever be playing something this good or this interesting ever again in my entire life

the nitty gritty of the gameplay Does have its flaws, like certain smith personalities' upgrades are totally left in the dark to you, and while thats just a given
sometimes that IS annoying,
because every boss in Killer7!! is actually pretty piss easy (in the default modes)
Like yeah youll die maybe once or twice on a couple later ones MAYBE??????? but.. I personally found some smile encounters harder since i prioritized weakpoint above all

And that segways into my other gripe
the map in this game kinda sucks mammoth cock im ngl, I think it Gets The Job Done but i doubt im asking for a lot when i say i wish there was atleast a little dot indicator or something to better display
I was especially wishing for this in the Alter Ego target more than any of the other missions really bc of the backtracking in that one LMAO

And my final gripe is just how turning your fucking head around to look around can't be adjusted, there's no sensitivity toggle for smthin like that and while most of the time its not a Major concern, theres times in the game where theres a smile that drops down..
im mashin scan
i look everywhere mashin scan
I still cant find the smile
and then i get blown tf up
this happened like atleast twice but again, it didnt happen all the time just kind of a pain in the dick. hell i got a game over like maybe three times at most while playing the game too, pants shitting aside i think its actually pretty easy on normal which is a good thing because that means the higher modes offer better skilled players which i am uh.... not sure i am but COOL

Overall uhhh ahah if u havent played this game and ur reading this u should absolutely try this game, ATLEAST do yourself the solid of playing the first mission in full because there is nothing like Killer7 in style, game vibe or anything in the way that it conveys
i am So glad my lil bro pointed me at this shit

I think ive just come to accept that devil may cry games just arent for me at this point :/ if i only think the 3rd game is an okay to nice game and the 1st is an okay-ish game and the 2nd one is boring dooty
then where does this one lay? EH! its not even dookie I think i just got really fed up with how im just not the type of person these games are Forrrr if that makes sense

Like i never did repeat playthroughs trying out other playable characters because I never liked the level design of areas and gameplay loop enough to begin with in the first place so how could I enjoy hopping straight back into it and experiencing a different route Sure. but still the core feel I dont vibe with

i Never felt like I was getting BETTER better at any of the bosses because when shit got too hard i either threw a holy water or ate shit until i scraped through from muscle memory with these games

Its especially a shame because I think the 5th game looks so good and I was really hoping that by playing through these games its traits would grow on me! It's funny!! the weapons are really cool and the music is awesome! and i think the character designs are cool its just.... its just still not stickin with me and thats probably going to be my biggest gaming L ever sadly. I def wont be skipping this to play the 5th because I wanted to give everything else a fair shake and I think ive just had Enough. most mopey review youll ever see me type because i do genuinely feel strong about my disappointment

As someone that KINDA dabbled in the OG way back when i was younger, I think this REALLY benefited from having a flutter jump, because the precise platforming is still present

the Worst thing about this game is absolutely the depth perception
Even with the new Yoshi ass flutter jump and a shadow underneath youll STILL be kinda crossing your fingers praying you land some of those lategame jumps
Luckily youll have a huge stockpile of Lives from the first few worlds stocked up so getting a game-over is pretty unlikely(Only had ONE happen to me and that was going back to a previous level to figure out where the fuckin key was for Pac-Dog's cell)

The levels are pretty by the numbers but theres enough content for me to say its totally a ps1 era collectathon remastered from what seems like the ground-up, but also keeping the integral sounds and basic kit in-tact.

I think the weight is also one of the biggest changes when it comes to this game, Pac Man totally feels more like he has Pac Man World 2 weight in this game than his heavier predecessor form in Pac Man World 1

The bosses are also all surprisingly pretty cool! I especially like the ones in the space area, factory and of course Toc Man is so fun. Dude really gets the short end of the stick in later games from his era of the franchise but i meannn,, ohhhhhhhh wellllllllllllllllllllllllll

I beat the game with like almost 70% completed, and the remainder of that is from me not doing all the maze puzzles because mazes with stage hazards feel like someone t-shirt cannon blasted a cactus in my clit

HMMM what else can i say.... what else can i sayyy....
Honestly im scratching my head here because for 30 bucks it is a really nice time but it also keeps some of the best And bad of the original game. I think if youre Really not needing a platformer itch to scratch rn you could just wait for a sale but the game is a decent length of six worlds(couple shy of a traditional mario romp) the graphics are nice and a lot of areas are given nice graphical overhauls even if youre a stickler for the sweet SWEEEEEEEEET ridges of the PS1like me

but yeah thats all i got to say on the matter, pac man rocks
ALSO ALSO: I implore u to play this game if you played 2 and 3 as a kid like me (or even recently) and you werent really able to get into the controls of the first or arent able to play the original for whatever reason!

not only do i fuck with machine girl but this gameplay loop is so satisfying and that neuron activation you get when a hint shows you a different way you didnt even consider trying to do during the level or even figuring it out by yourself is INSANE
personally my favorite soul cards not counting the obvious kick-ass endgame one was the teal grappling hook RPG card so fucking sick
I also love the art direction, I feel like not every story beat hits the way the devs intended? Like a lot of the appreciation for the ending and the characters is ultimately up to if you want to put in the time to unlock all of White's memories and his connections with other characters

And this game is all no-take-backs, like when people die theres no gotcha at the end or anything like that theyre like Dead dead. Which, forgive me, I kind of was anticipating because of the heavy anime influence on this game. Not that thats bad infact i think its fun! Though sometimes with the writing I was kind of left feeling lightly satisfied when the characters had a tender moment because theyre all really weird dorks that clearly come from troubled upbringings trying to reconcile with one another

And that patience with each other and listening to each other is really a key theme throughout this game i think, you cant just mash through and win
Sometimes just feeling like youre the shit and on top of the world of the game's mechanics is all the incentive you Need
There are times where i even forgot I already had an Ace medal in certain stages
But I kept going back to just scratch that itch, that what-if i can shave a few seconds off

So all in all this game is addicting, not too terribly long, nice online interactivity to really push you into wanting to feel some of its most buttery smooth levels

I just think gathering the gifts kinda detracts a little from the regular characterization of the characters in the story, but if you dont give a fuck about squinting at stories then this is absolutely a uniquely perfect video game that totally is a gold standard for a good as fuck "shooter platformer"

also side note but, i didnt know until the ACCESS level that you could fucking *swap the cards...........................its really funny how you Never need to do that until the 6th to last level in the game LMFAO but also got me thinking.. "holy fuck.. SO I COULD BE EVEN B E T T E R AT THIS THAN I REALIZED IF I GO BACK WITH THIS SWAP IN MIND!!!!!!!!"

just, just fucking play it
get it on a sale if you Have to, borrow from a friend
idgaf, try it.

INCREDIBLE 2d run and gun platformer that is a masterpiece in art direction achievement but I cant give this shit a 5/5 in confidence because i actually really dont like the run and gun segments, i adore the bosses,
if the game was just a boss rush game id be completely fine with that but holy fuck i dont like the non-boss stages(excluding ms chalice's ghost punch romp)
Also the parry is a piece of shit sometimes the damn thing doesnt even register
I can excuse nearly every boss in the game bc its that good tit-punch energy, but MAN what a fucker
its great though, esp with your wife. or your friend if you aint got one of those layin around

The summer of when Splatoon came out was something you really could just Feel. It was such a great time looking forward to map rotations and splatfests but also just the community of it all and trying out new weapons. The progression system is so nice and all the character designs are really cool. Even if only owning a Wii U for most of the duration of it's current console generation wasnt a fate i and many of my friends had at the time, i still feel like we wouldve adored it.
The Wii U's best attributes were really easy to take for granted because I feel like I wasnt even able to imagine how different the climate was going forward for Nintendo's online & smash and splatoon and a handful of other games you could possibly count on your hands were honestly Enough to be so excited you couldnt even sleep.

But that connection I have with Splatoon 1 was just about 7 years ago and I've long since been out of the loop with it in it's prime. This review of mine is also touchin on the single player campaign considering that if i only talked about the multiplayer, itd be everything you already heard before

The singleplayer for splatoon is Mostly a chill experience, you have a select amount of utility that isnt anything crazy beyond the standard fare but the platforming itself follows a "World" structure
though id rather call it an Isle structure since youre doin shit for Captain Cuttlefish the whole time

The plot is rlly you doin undercover work takin care of octolings and restoring the zapfish to inkopolis before anyone panics and I think its an incredibly simple plot and gameplay loop that gets the job done considering this is Nintendo's first crack at the IP
Youre not gonna be out here doing Mario shit ofc but theres still pretty cool stuff! The inklines (that appear in splatoon 2 ofc) are here, sponges that enemies can also null the ink out of with their own ink making them grow bigger or smaller, and even invisible walkways you need to spray in order to see.

Personally I think the levels arent too challenging but I do like how they atleast tried to mix in a nice bit of variety with each Isle and level within those isles :> There's even some mini-boss/get to the end of the course straight across levels where you need to dodge octoling commanders and octozooka air strikes and those are also nice but again not Too challenging
If it seems like im putting a lot of emphasis on that, its because I really wanna convey that i only ever got a game over on the final boss of this campaign LMAO
otherwise yeah i died a few times but each checkpoint restores your shit back to full each time so there's not really too much to worry about usually.

Now the final boss... Holy F U C K what a rush, that shit absoolutely is a good final boss not because its significantly tougher than the other levels before but because it tests everything youve been doing beforehand in every kind of terrain

All in all splatoon 1 couldve just been splatoon 1 and wouldve still been one of the greatest new nintendo games ever
And while I dont quite have the history and affection for splatoon 2, i do think it only improves in every single way upon what splatoon 1 layed the groundwork for to begin with.
Now im gonna find out if Splatoon 2's campaign is really all that
btw Splatoon lore is so fun

My first resident evil game ive ever beaten! It was fun, im usually bad at shooting games but i think this game showed me that it's really more about lack of experience than it is being bad at the games. I even got really good at it near the end :) I played co-op with my girl and she played as Chris while I played as Sheva and I thought a lot of the weird virus mutation creatures looked wickeddd. I can't exactly comment on how good the story is because this is my first completed impression and i think its a pretty To The Point through and through game. Apparently there's DLC that builds on what Chris' partner was up to before this game happened and I think thats chill, not sure if ill get around to it though? I liked the variety and atmosphere in this game too, i have a friend that doesnt really like how the colors are filtered? but idk i thought it kinda gave it more of that stylized look to it that added onto the strange and anxious feeling the protags were feeling going from area to area.

That nigga really punched a boulder. 3.5/5 !! pretty nice >:)

I have no idea why this game is still on TBD
but i guess its up to me as the only backloggd user on this site thats played this game to give a review.

So first things first, this was a bitch to get a hold of LMAO. Like getting it legitimately is relatively easy if you already own a japanese ps2, but if you dont then you gotta do some digging and ad-dodging in a totally legal manner of "Yarghhhhh" hehe.

Ok now the actual game, is it good? Uh not very, no.
Its KINDA FUN? If youre like me where youre both
A: someone actively seek out weird games to play or
B: someone that likes bobobo-bo bo-bobo :)
then yeah youll enjoy it, its short as fuck man
Like five levels are in here, it totally gives off the vibe of a Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo arcade game that youd play IRL or something with fancy looking themed controllers. But im not so fortunate
So the basis of the gameplay is its like an auto-rail game where Bobobo moves forward dancing down the level facing the camera, youll see characters like Don, Jelly, Gasser, Beauty, etc etc

And they kinda just join you in walking around, i never really figured out what they do in particular but you fight half the cast as bosses and you beat the shit out of the bald grunts along the way to get there
And thats where i think this is extremely different from playing the RPGs of this franchise, you attack by flicking the left and right analog sticks around up and down whenever an enemy is on screen. And you can use R1 or L1 to activate the armpit hair vortex attack which is kind of like a shitty screen-attack (Emphasizing kind of shitty because it doesnt last very long, is tied to getting a bomb item and it doesnt always instakill everything thats on the screen as enemies scale with bigger hit points and sometimes smaller hurtboxes)

Each boss you encounter is a similarly silly philosophy with just flicking the dumbass control sticks in the direction the prompt tells you to when it pops up, failure to do so results in you giving the boss a turn to attack you. If you put in all the boss' control stick inputs fast enough, you wont get hit and will even recover HP!

Infact, technically you can sweep EVERY boss in this game if you have a sharp enough eye. But the boss is always guaranteed one free turn to try and attack you if you get them halfway-to-death.
From there your score is tallied up andddd then you get to something else i dont like about this game

If you die to the boss you dont restart from the boss Fight, you have to redo the whole level all. over. again.
Which is really weird, i think they mightve designed the game like that because this is already a short as shit game that u could knock out in like an hour (maybe even less if youre really good and just keep going back to back with the levels and no breaks like me)

btw there IS cutscenes and the music is fine, but like... its bobobo-bo bo-bobo.. do you Really need to be able to read it? because i sure as shit didnt.

Regardless there really isnt that much content here and you mostly just kind of get a kick out of the spectacle of it all rather than look for any deeper substance, and really,isnt finding enjoyment in spectacle for the sake of spectacle is a reward in it's own right when it comes to Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo?

Like watching a sun implode upon itself and then upchuck a brick of shit, like none of that makes any sense or probably should even be conceivable or interpreted in reality. But damn if it isnt a sight.

You can do a whole lot worse for a 30 minute video game tbh but i still got shit to say
so ill get the bad out of the way first with this one
this shit allegedly came out before the first season was even done ending
there's more "boss fights" than there is actual levels in this game and thats not even saying much really when there's only 3 levels to play and then youre in the final stretch. The "level design" is hardly even level design, and thats not even because its on the gameboy. The gameboy already has games that do have decent level design and action and jumping such as kirby, wario, etc.

You dont even get to do any cool shit in this game for combat aside from just a kinda shitty kick that sometimes doesnt even register right
And if you get a game over from the dick-head enemy placement you have to do the ENTIRE chapter of the game, including the segments when you walk around alllllllllllllllllll over again
cant even use speed-up on an emulator because its a fuckin gameboy game and one second on speedup in a gameboy game is like 8 years have passed pfffft
But yeah the progression is really just find the NPC that triggers the flag for what the baddie in the area is, go find and talk to Luna, play a better but still Kinda shitty action segment
learn the pattern of the boss, rinse repeat

Now like I think this formula CAN work for a sailor moon game but its on such a small scale that I dont think id call this a great or even good game, pretty mediocre.

Now the stuff i do like.. uhhh.. i like some of the gameboy renditions of certain songs ? Usagi breaks bricks by crying and gets power-ups that temporarily make the game really fun (wish i knew that shit at the start of the game instead of around level 4 but...manuals b damned i guess)

And Usagi's jump is like a bunny hop which is adorable
And i dont hate the spritework, but then again thats not saying much because I usually like the gameboy's monochrome sprite approach to begin with.

Also this game just fuckin'
because there isnt even really much of a huge plot to begin with so you just kick ass and Luna and Tuxedo Mask are all like "okay sailor moon u kicked some major ass but haha i think thts enough for today wink" fuck off

COMMA!!!!!11!!" out of ten

Personallyyyyyyyyyy, I think as a Game its not very interesting
The point and click segments can either be an okay puzzle or something thats kind of a mundane task
I think the game is pretty nice if you treat it more like an Interactive Art Adventure game.. ik ik not really sounding much better LMAO but i dont know how else to describe it! There isnt necessarily a way you can die in this game or have any error aside from the bugs and softlock glitches on the Xbox version I played sadly.
But okay thats negatives out of the way
HOLY SHIT THIS AESTHETIC IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! I love the character design and the use of colors a lot and how much is done with space beyond it just being a motif and the No-Man's journey is really cool because it keeps hitting you with new locations and new unraveling bits of space time, so sick.

I also actually really like the storytelling in this game even though it felt really slow after the first couple chapters, the last couple chapters gave me the same stimulating sensation i felt while playing sayonara wild hearts(Though dont get me wrong theyre very different games with very different vibes but still games with incredibly strong art directions)
Also people sayin this game is like 3 hours long are either
A. Fuckin lyin
or B. they encountered no crashes or took breaks or they had a walkthrough 100% of the way
doesnt matter THAT MUCH but you wouldnt believe my disbelief upon seeing most people beat it at 3 hours when i beat it at 6 LMAO

All in all its like playable soul, thts the highest praise i can give it
But at the same time I think some things couldve been executed a bit better ? So i cant exactly give it more than a 3/5 but that doesnt make it bad, its quite a nice game
Also both endings i think can be treated as canon

my interpretation of both is either No-Man chooses to never lose his connection to miss mass by never getting with her in the first place but also ends up feeling so directionless without her and she still dies
or he hangs out with his god friend as another spacial being and simply has no attachment to the world anymore around him, just soaking in the universe accepting that it's just not his place anymore
theyre both sad but there's also a lot of finality and beauty in both of these endings because one sees No-Man moving on and the other is what its like when youre unable to move on, when youre unable to let go, when youre unable to change but the sting lingers within you wondering what couldve been.
tldr; yeah its neat

This was my first yakuza game! I liked it :)
I really enjoyed running around Kamurocho and interacting with the civilians' side quests and I pretty much liked every recurring character for what they were
Kiryu Kazuma has immediately became one of my favorite video game characters ever, hes s o cool!! :> and kinda hot?

I think the story kind of suffers from the sheer abundance of side content though, such as the majima everywhere thing and the amount of side quests tht can trigger just by you talking to the person (ofc u can just put them down and come back to most of them but i never ran from any fight in the game and never declined any side quest so... definitely a me thing LMAO)

And that's another thing, i tried a quarrter of the original ps2 yakuza game out and i gotta say
some of the choices here even *i could see, most specifically majima
so many majima
so many
I do think hes absolutely hillarious but I doubt this game is a good introduction to him as a character at all really. I kind of expected more of a sadist or on some batman/joker homo opposite coins thing or.. some bullshit
but after beating this game, wow what a slut

Now i know by
now* that this remake was made with the assumption of you playing yakuza 0 first and then this, uhhhhhh i didnt do that LMFAO. Kinda banking on 0 hitting really good once ive played the rest of the series? Of course that's not happening any time soon, i got a metal gear solid 2 to play.

But all in all the heat moves are flashy, and fun, the side content is nice, the story is cool enough and my only real gripes are getting sandwiched between two guys in a not hot way and getting my daylights knocked out and then im just sitting there like a dipshit MASHING the A button trying to get up from the unkillable minions and the boss regenerating health ... even with all the fucking money and resources the game throws at you, thats not Fun pffffft
as a result some of the fights in the later half feel like they take longer not because of the tension but because there is genuinely something screwy going on tht clashes with what the game expects and how much reaction time you actually have when dire shit hits the fan

ofc i could also just be bad but even then i actually did g et better as i played, so i think i just dont like getting surrounded by goons while the boss sprints around like sonic
All in all tho
i like yakuza now
and thts kinda crazy

This shit can suck my whole booty clit bitch, I dont really give a damn.
it starts really strong and then the remainder zones after Marble had me going "what the fuck"
I get it, its the first game
But maaaaaaaaaaaan spring yard zone is mediocre but kinda chill
Star Light zone is fine but after all the shit you go through it feels super tame by comparison
Labyrinth isnt impossible and neither is Scrap Brain but those are such motherfucker levels to the point where i thought in the back of my head "wow. if i was playing the original rendition of this game, id probably dislike it way more than I do now"

One thing I think is my favorite thing about this game though is how this shit brings out some of the best charm in a genesis game. I even like the special stages for how weird they are, this game was the first venture in and yet i actually wish Sonic had more consistently surreal and weird mismatches of color palettes and zones to go through, more experimental shit going down with bold vision, Its rad.

Uhhh and the music is fine ig....
I honestly cant tell if I think this is a worse game than Sonic Forces, the easy answer is no because Forces is a coddled together sack of shit with some really good ideas
While this one just kind of pisses me off because the ideas are good but the level design doesnt highlight whats so good about the character at All to me

this is a total asshole of a video game but in the way where you get in the rhythm of it, your reaction times get better
youre actively learning and then the level sinks back down
I dont even think the "eoOOoeOO I AM EVIL SEXEY LADY" shit is cringe i think its more funny than anything else bc of how fast and powerful everything is in this game
Now the story and characters are really not deep at all, not that i went into this expecting such but everybody in the cast does a pretty well performance thats elevated by their VAs
Jean's VA is so fucking good that im surprised this guy isnt in a shitload of other media
he mustve quit, which is sad but god i loved a lot of his weird delivery that reminded me of an old 00s anime dub

My most hated fucking enemy to fight in this game was easily the big dickhead megatron robot because of how sporadic he would move all the time on Lvl Die even though i would Think i read his ass but i didnt
I think that the whip girls are atrocious to fight in a pack though, i usually singled them out when i activated the God Hand Fever because their range is so AIDS!!!!!

but i love the aesthetic, some of the levels particularly in the cave were looking samey up until the end but they were nice and varied and didnt feel like i was purely going down a hallway all the time atleast. Thank god there was no nonlinear puzzle stage or some shit, that wouldve given me a hernia

But yeah the writing is fun and inherently really simple, the moves are incredibly fun to use, theres some dope ass bosses you can deal with and all in all its just a REALLY good time that humbles you and then immediately has you on a power-high when youve jusT KNOCKED ALL THEM BITCHES OUT WITH FUCKING SHAOXLIN B L A S T AHAHAHHAHAHH
play it.
hell, i played it on normal mode so its probably infinitely more accessible in easy mode
Easily one of my new favorite games of all time, my favorite character action game on the ps2 and that credits song is the cherry on top
this shit got me to realize that Capcom's most experimental shit is probably exactly what im looking for in video games
No longer do i just seek games that are weird as hell
but now also dope as Fuck.

there are a lotta cool things about this game but honestly with getting whacked at nearly every time i accidentally trigger an encounter and not being able to just sink my teeth into how Open it is, im gonna have to put "Mid" on the shelf