9 reviews liked by Belhome

A definite improvement over 4 and 6, Garten of Banban 7 is a solid entry in the series as far as Banban games go, but doesn't rise far above the hellhole of laughably bad design that plagues this franchise. Barring a couple exceptions, puzzles are once again either obscure and horribly thought out, or brain-dead easy. I found the story incredibly boring and meandering compared to the peak that is Banban 3, but its still better than the filler slop of 4, or the infuriating melodrama of 6. One thing I will commend is the area design: It is easily the best in the series, and actually has a good amount of atmosphere and scope to it. The drone control mechanic is a cool development in concept, but it gets stuck so easily that it is laughable in execution. There are also invisible walls everywhere, which attempt to keep you from going the wrong way, but just end up being a hindrance. This game has much more thought put into it than the others up to this point, and I think it is the best-made game in the series up to this point on a technical level, but I was not as entertained as when I was playing 3. My main takeaway from this game is that if the Euphoric Brothers take more than a couple weeks to work on a game, and mix that with entertaining events in the story, they could make something that is not absolutely horrible. That isn't what this game is, though.

I really wanted to love this game. Visually, the game is very appealing; the art is fantastic. And the idea of a Metroidvania being mashed up with a bullet hell shooter sounds so good on paper.

Unfortunately, the game is hampered by terrible checkpoint placement and a card system that makes battles tougher than they should be because you’re never quite sure which special attacks are mapped to which buttons without looking at the icons in the bottom right-hand corner, which obviously doesn’t work too well when you’re trying to avoid a sea of bullets.

Perhaps I would’ve stuck with the game if there was an option to lower the difficulty, but such a thing doesn’t exist, which is a shame.


{spoken intro}
Guys, what one is your favorite?
Huggy wuggy, seek
Scary blue, or jumbo josh

(banban, nabnab
Slow seline,)
And awesome huggy wuggy!

{verse 1}
Huggy, wuggy
Seek, scary blue
Jumbo josh, banban, nabnab
Frog dude, banbaleena stinger flynn
Opila bird
Awesome huggy wuggy!

Nabnab, stinger flynn
Slow seline
(evil boxy boo)

{verse 2}
Squid game huggy wuggy
Baby huggy wuggy
Freddy fazbear
(we got baby huggy wuggy)

Kissy missy, killy willy
Choo choo charles
We got evil boxy boo!
(banban, or jumbo josh)
(then there was the bite of 87)

{guitar solo}

What the hell?!
Banban, nabnab, stinger flynn, jumbo josh

{verse 3}
We, have, evil boxy boo!
We, have, evil boxy boo!
Garten! garten! garten of banban!
(i forgot his name)
Freddy! freddy! freddy fazbear!
(what the hell?)

(evil boxy boo)


Peakmin 4 and now Garten of Banban 4? Are there any other 4’s I should know about?



prettiest game since clash of clans



poha esse jogo é dificil ate no facil vai tomar no cu

A maior prova que o simples, quando bem feito, pode ser maravilhoso. Um metroidvania "caricato" no sentido de que não é inovador: história, mecânicas e estilo não são nada diferentes do já vimos antes em outros jogos, E TÁ TUDO BEM! O simples aqui é executado de maneira primorosa, otimizada, com uma trilha sonora muito viciante. O fato de ser brasileiro deu ainda um pouco mais de orgulho. Espero que o criador esteja colhendo os frutos das vendas na Steam depois de estarem pirateando um jogo que custa menos que 5 reais. Uma recomendação fácil para quem é fã de metroidvania como eu, e está à procura de um joguinho curto, bem "feijão com arroz" do estilo, mas um feijão com arroz muito do bem feito!

The game wouldn't even start for me