Yeah, it's cool that you can slow down time while the rest of the game is super-fast and chaotic... but it's boring? Max Payne and Binary Domain are two games I would much rather replay than force-feed this.

This game has a certain thing it's going for, I can tell you that much. What that thing is I'm not entirely sure, but it's a thing alright.

People stand like mannequins inside their homes. Wow, what a masterpiece of open world design.

The dialogue in this is brutal, from what i remember.


Like Cuphead, Furi (dumb title btw) is a sadistic exercise in difficulty. Minus great art direction.

Hellbore: Senua's Backside. The film equivalent of this would be something by Justin Kurtzel. Overly serious, pretentious, with no human bone in its body.

The stealth in this just doesn't convert into anything remotely resembling fun.

While the story and direction are nowhere near the heights of Uncharted, Shadow of the Tomb Raider utilizes its core gameplay mechanics better and more consistently. And that's a fact, Jack.

I love many things about this game, the biggest of which is its gameplay feel. If only it didn't belong to one of the two least attractive genres ever.

On the Switch this is barely playable. I might come back to it on PC though.