I love many things about this game, the biggest of which is its gameplay feel. If only it didn't belong to one of the two least attractive genres ever.

Who would've thought the best GoW game is going to be the fourth one.

It's crazy how they've made a second game about their creative crisis. I heard there is even a third one. Color me perplexed.

A bit sad that (probably) the best Berserk game in existence was never brought to the west, where this manga gained most of its popularity. Which is evident by the fact that western fans took it upon themselves to translate the game. I need to get back to it someday.

On the Switch this is barely playable. I might come back to it on PC though.

Has to be the most embarrassing soy boy fan fiction of a sequel i have ever experienced in my entire gaming life. Rough stuff.

Some levels are pretty good, though.

What a talented team they have at Quantic Dream. If only David Cage's horrible writing didn't stand in the way of their success!

Not fun enough to be okay with how hard it is.

Very nice of this game to almost immediately present you with a vertical slice of its featureless image. I was able to immediately recognise its blandness both as a sequel to a once great series and a game of its own. Points for honesty, though I don't rate this since I've abandoned it. So, no points at all, sorry Far Cry 5.

The level where literally every object in your flat attacks you has to be one of if not THE most obnoxiously difficult (and stupid) things i've ever seen in videogames.

A competently made remake that lacks a touch of inspiration that can be found in the (much better) original.

The first (fourth) one still towers over this as a bigger achievement of it's time, but Ragnarok is definitely a worthy continuation, that has many surprises in store for those new and returning to it's world.

My initial gripes remained unchanged till the end (at times annoying writing and cringe inducing meta jokes), as did the elements that i liked or grew to like towards the middle of the game.

Currently my GOTY 2022.

I want Bayonetta to spank me, so what?!

My exodus from this game was swift, let me tell ya.

Had no business being this hard (and i don't mean difficulty, friend).