Too much goddamn climbing, too little goddamn shooting. Otherwise, could be a 5 stars game right there.

There is a pretty cool time travel story in here... somewhere. You just have to read like 8 000 pages of text to experience it, because the stuff in the cutscenes and, god forbid, live action episodes, is whack.

The inability to shoot without aiming in a Remedy game felt like being castrated.

Was quite a bit underwhelmed by it at the time. Human Revolution is among my all time faves, and while this has very similar vibes, it just felt undercooked.

Still a bit shook about how good this played. Near Max Payne 3 levels of aggressive tonal shift coupled with a gargantuan shooting/violence upgrade.

The story is big and meaty and all over the place, in a good way. I dunno, i really fucking enjoyed this monstrous freak of a third installment.


Uninspired visual design prevented me from being able to truly invest my patience into it like I'm always able to with FromSoftware worlds. And it's not the only thing that sets Nioh and something like Sekiro apart.

Near the last stages it became too hard for my ear for rythm and/or ear-to-thumb bandwidth. Gee, thanks for showing me my physical limitations, Thumper.

I think it's my favorite Uncharted game to play? It does miss a little something, though.

I suffered my way through to appreciate how good the art is. The game was a bit sadistic.

The writing and mood sure took a beating in this one.

I'm not saying this is the most disappointing sequel of anything ever. But it's definitely up there!

The most insane story inside a first person shooter?

Who would've thought the best GoW game is going to be the fourth one.

What a talented team they have at Quantic Dream. If only David Cage's horrible writing didn't stand in the way of their success!