More like bloated ring... what?

I get that duality of spiritual and physical is like a major theme in this one, but do we REALLY need multiple versions of the same bosses? Cut it out and don't waste my time, Elden Ring!

Still, Elden Ring brings to the table some great new twists on the open world formula and after 20 years of oversaturation this fact can't be underappreciated. And don't even get me started on how impressive of a first attempt at open world game design this game is! What the hell, Miyazaki?

Everyone hails this one as the best Miyazaki game, but I find Demons Souls' (2020) technical aspects as well as lean and mean structure (that it carried straight from the 2009 original) more appealing. There's no denying the atmosphere of this beautiful Lovecraftian monstrosity though.

If there must be one way to make a DLC, it's probably this one.

If your idiot friend is in full abnegation of the very notion of playing a game that is older than 2015 or some nonsensically random year like that, they can play this remake and get a solid glimpse at the genius behind RE4. And then who knows, maybe they'll stop being an idiot and play the original out of plain curiosity and be cured by its brilliance.

The value this bundle presents is hard to exaggerate. A fantastic collection of some of the most specific works of game design one can experience.

Quite a letdown after fantastic Control (2019). Too preoccupied with it's own "twistedness", ending up tangled instead of complex. Mostly comes off as a subpar David Lynch/Stephen King fan fiction but has genuinely inspired moments throughout. Mechanically laborious in Alan's sections, spatially repetitive in Saga's sections. Quite a bit up it's own ass (constant self-referential jokes grew tired faster than one can say "garmonbozia"), but the long-time fans of Remedy (such as myself) would find much of it harmless and amusing at the very least.

My problems with it are too many to count and yet I found myself playing long sessions every single time, so ultimately it all worked out somehow. And yeah, the decision to end on a cliff hanger is puzzling and very questionable, considering how NOT popular this Remedy IP is. That's one David Lynch trait they should've avoided.

I don't particularly care for the setting or how the game explores it. The bosses are actually not that great for me as well. But the central master/apprentice conflict is kinda great as an impetus for the story. Although, the execution is quite a bit too melodramatic, even by Kojima's standards (especially the epilogue).

So, there is not one thing in this game that works for me 100%, instead all of it kinda works at 75-80%. I think out of the first three, Snake Eater would benefit from a remake in the vein of FFVII the most.

Considerably less interesting if you've played SH2 prior, but a very solid entry in the series with it's own couple of uniquely incredible moments. I need to replay this and maybe the score will move up a notch.

This game blew my eye-sockets right off my skull when i first played it at a Playstation gaming club. The owner of the place has let me finish it even though my session time expired at some point. Life altering experience.

This was my anti-Mortal Kombat game. Meaning that MK tended to drag me down with it's brooding tone, and WrestleMania made me cheer and laugh while beating the crap out of my opponents.

This could be a perfect PS1 game if not for the fact that the structure kinda breaks near mid-point. The rest of the game feels like a gimmicky boss rush. The bosses are very cool tho.

When everyone was dunking on it, i was just a scared little boy who for some reason would not quit this nightmare till the last demon was killed.

The coolest way to kill 5 000 dirtbags when you feel like it.
All time hardest score probably.

My first Naughty Dog game was Uncharted 2. I loved it for it's colors, ridiculous action, humour, unforgettable set pieces and adventurous spirit. So when i first started this, I was like: "what the hell is this dour stuff, Naughty Dog?"

But when I finished it, I was like: "hey, that was pretty cool." no, I was staring at the screen and then I cried, because these were the most alive characters I've ever seen in a video game and I felt gutted being pulled away from their love.