Hellbore: Senua's Backside. The film equivalent of this would be something by Justin Kurtzel. Overly serious, pretentious, with no human bone in its body.

You can shit on it all you want, friendo, but Hitman Absolution absolutely owns.


Like Cuphead, Furi (dumb title btw) is a sadistic exercise in difficulty. Minus great art direction.

What the heck is this camera? Why is the player character so huge on the screen? Why hitboxes are so bad? Why is this considered a classic?

A beautiful wasteland in this game houses dull gameplay and generic direction that has nothing in common with the inspired and kinetic world of great George Miller.

The dialogue in this is brutal, from what i remember.

People stand like mannequins inside their homes. Wow, what a masterpiece of open world design.

This game has a certain thing it's going for, I can tell you that much. What that thing is I'm not entirely sure, but it's a thing alright.

Yeah, it's cool that you can slow down time while the rest of the game is super-fast and chaotic... but it's boring? Max Payne and Binary Domain are two games I would much rather replay than force-feed this.

Harder than the second one, for some reason. Was never able to beat it. One of these days.

The road violence in this looked and felt so good, even my mother played this game with me! Great soundtrack too!

Hard as hell, not super fun, but I dug a more reserved and dark look that made me take it more seriously, and the soundtrack is genuinely great.

Back then I had no idea there existed a separate cretinously difficult Battletoads game and just chilled with my buds like a psycho with this one.

I'm sorry, but dinos are just not as fun to kill as zombies, ok? But I think I'll go back and finish this in the future.