Criminally unnoticed, AAC is one hell of a bullet hell! A complete extravaganza of projectile mayhem that does so many interesting things at every moment of every one of it's levels.

Clever, fast and funny 2d puzzler that any Portal fan can appreciate.

Japan's breathtaking nature was recreated in GoT in such exhaustive detail, that after completing the main game I thought there was nothing left to explore about it inside a videogame in this generation. I was wrong.

I was liking it the whole way through, but then, after about 10 hours, it became obnoxiously difficult all of a sudden. What the heck?

Poor man's NFS Underground. I liked it.

Cool art locked behind dumb difficulty.

My only memory of playing this game is getting scared shitless by the loudest sneeze I've ever heard. It was at the PC gaming club and I'm lucky I didn't end up getting perma-traumatized for the rest of my life. War is hell indeed.


This game is more about beating the shit out of bullies, rather than being a bully. So it really should've been titled "Bully Hunter", right?

This game's atmosphere survives whatever travesty they did to it in the remaster. Eventually I'll play the original PS2 version, but as it stands now, it's an ageless masterpiece of mood and environmental storytelling even on PS3.

An instance of a game so middle of the road that you drop it in the middle of the road, even though the road itself is 4-5 hours max.

Was happy to be a part of this psychotherapy, but I got to go, I need to return some videotapes.

Beautiful and fun racer with a couple of caveats that pretty much destroy it for me as a game to be enjoyed and finished.

1) Complete absence of progression as a game design principle. H5 hands out cars like dirt. In the first couple of hours, I had maybe 10 of 'em, many of which were the types of cars you'd only see in the final hours of other (good) games. At some point there are so many cars, that you are no longer able to care about anything.

2) The cringiest writing and annoying amounts of it. H5 feels the need to push a variety of insufferable individuals in your face at every turn, all the time. It'll make you feel like Daniel Plainview! (put that on the box)

3) The single most uncool goody two shoes vibes I've ever felt while playing a racing game. In this game everyone is a tool, you are a tool, and nothing is cool! You will yearn for the 00's edge lord street racing culture like it's a woman you loved and lost to a terrible car crash.

Has some new tricks up its sleeve, and visually it's very nicely designed, but it didn't quite come together for me. I didn't particularly care for how the overworld was realized in terms of your traversal through it and interaction with it, just too streamlined for my taste. And the whole thing with Bowser being this giant cloud surrounded by dragon clouds that represent each world felt a bit uninspired to me. The psycho seeds that flip the way you play through the level were very cool, but the whole badges mechanic ended up being more of a gimmick for a casual Mario toucher such as myself. I'm sure hardcore fans will find many different playstyles to enjoy their new game+ experience, cause levels were probably crafted in a way to meaningfully attend to each one of the badges strengths, but I pretty much ignored badges the whole time and just made sure no to pick the most cringe ones for masochists, like constant jumping or invisibility.

All in all, I wasn't over the moon about Wonder, for me NewSMBUDeluxe is way better, but this one is still a delight every switch owner must experience. Heck, if this is your first Mario game ever, it could become your 2023 GOTY without a drop of sweat!

Falls neatly into the same Kojima trappings as the rest of the series does, which prevents it from getting a perfect score. But I do find it impressive how creatively Kojima utilises aggressively boring looking industrial setting. The story is bonkers (as expected), and has this hilarious quality of being rebellious against the very idea of a sequel while, in many ways, being a carbon copy of the original. May be the best one of the series?