A solid ending to the series with a bunch of little problems that add up. The frame rate, bosses, de-emphasis of gameplay, and more drag down what could’ve been an even better game. However, There are still so many amazing moments, story and gameplay wise, that really make this game so worth playing and enjoyable.


Crazy scary but really cryptic and obtuse.

I love pretty much everything about this game. I still think MGS2 is a bit more replayable because it doesn’t really have anything like the EVA sections in the late game but this game’s narrative, gameplay, and interactivity put it above the second one for me as the best game in the series.

Even though it came out in 2001, it's still so applicable to current day in every aspect. Pretty much everything about this game has aged beautifully.

Fun for what it is. Kind of like Ark but way less grindy and with Pokémon instead of dinosaurs. The game falls off a lot in the late game but that’s mostly because it’s early access and will most likely improve overtime.

I’m genuinely so happy something like this even exists as it’s been a game I’ve wanted for so long. I could never really get into Persona 3 FES or Portable mostly due to Tartarus being very uninteresting, but I’ve always appreciated the cast of characters in this game so much that I always felt bad for never seeing it through. This remake finally gave me the kind of persona gameplay I personally enjoy and let me experience these characters with a fresh coat of paint. Tartarus still feels a tad repetitive and the story is still not paced as well as it could be but these complaints seem so minor in comparison to the things I love about this game. The best thing about this game to me is its ending. It’s beautifully set up and executed and it had me in tears. While I think Atlus could’ve put more effort into this remake with adding features like the female main character and the answer, overall they did a very good job with this remake and made me very happy.

Crazy for its time. The gameplay while dated (especially the aiming) is still crazy interactive and innovative especially for a PS1 game. The story kept me engaged for the entire game and the boss fights were intense as hell.