Only held back by dated issues- Everything else is flawless. A masterclass in storytelling.

Great story, once again annoying combat loop

Main story is eh, ending is overhated. Some of my favorite sidequests in the series though. As someone who tries to get really into roleplaying in roleplaying games it was really fun to explore the wasteland as a good-natured hero. The lawbringer perk is genius and I’m sad New Vegas had nothing like it

Better than II, worse than 1993

weirdly this is my comfort game

spent two hours remodelling the first floor of a house and forgot about my problems

D’arce run, not as fun

Joshua Graham is cool, but this was a big fetch quest with really annoying enemies.

Wonderful story, but unfortunately playing this is like being shot in the head (reference!)

Okay gameplay with hilarious writing

All time favorite game, beaten this at least 11 times


Went back and did a full 100% UV run after doing one in eternal, still a damn good game 8 years later.

Would be my favorite indie game if hotline miami 2 didnt exist