Was not expecting much going into this game, pleasantly surprised by many of the characters and the story taking some surprising turns towards the end. The biggest sin committed here was that catching the Bugsnax was not very fun here, and by the end of the adventure I was rushing to see what the story was about.

Incredible atmosphere in the game, environment carries the fact that the story is pretty mediocre. Gameplay is insanely fun, the addition of the haptic feedback in the triggers gives the weapon real impact, lots of different modes for the weapon to approach combat, never ever got tired of telekinesising things at 100 mph at enemies.

Was not in love with the Soulsification of the Star Wars, wish they leaned more into an action adventure game. Still, very fun to be a Jedi and chop stuff up, good enough story, interested in a new game

Extremely fun experience, one of the best looking video games I've ever seen. Riveting story, like some of the modernizations made to the story, such as Barrett no longer being a 1 dimensional stereotypical angry black man, or the cloud cross dressing scene feeling much less icky this time around. Combat is fun, wish it had more impact as you smacked around the monsters, and it kinda felt like a real time game with pause how often (especially towards the end) I had to spam potions. Also wish characters skills could've interacted more with each other (a la Final Fantasy XV) in combos or such. The story also really drags towards the end, several hours could've easily been chopped off and made it a better game.q


Exceedingly engaging Rougelite, combat was so much fun. Progression feels great. World building done so well, beautiful art and colorful world. Characters are done really well, and all are very........sexy

I might come back to this but man this game is too long for what it is, lol

I tried to but can't really find a reason to knock this game, love the art style, love the extremely down to Earth characters, fantastic and witty dialog, story takes a turn towards the end but I was with it the entire time. Doesn't overstay it's welcome, I'm here for it.

Delightful platforming experience, in a bright colorful world filled with an eccentric cast that complements each other well. Despite being somewhat of a children's game, it tackles some extremely adult emotions and themes with tact and tastefulness that most could not dream of achieving. If I had one complaint it'd actually be the platforming itself, which could've been a bit tighter or a bit more engaging. Love love love this game however.


First Souls like that I actually kinda enjoyed, fast paced combat with a special mode to bail out and fight those very hard bosses, managing ki system is fun but also not very necessary. Colorful demons and world at its best, can be drab at times but rarely is. Challenging game but thoroughly enjoyed my time here.

Game of love, tons of signs that development ended early, rough around quite a few edges. Lots of great designed Pokemon, story was a fan game ass fan game. Enjoyed my time with it but don't see myself picking it back up again

Exploration Masterpiece. Kept me engaged with new interesting area after area.