Halo Infinite had a lot of problems on launch and it took a long time for the game to get where it should have been on release. However, I genuinely had and still have a lot of fun on the multiplayer. About 2 months ago I started the campaign and I was genuinely impressed, the game looks great, the story is good, and the sandbox was amazing. I am really happy with how 343 was able to reset the story after the disappointment of Halo 5.

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Halo 5 is not as bad as most people say it is, the story is ok and the gameplay is decent but overall not what I want from a halo game. I don't love the change of the controls to be more similar to other fps games but I do understand why they would do that. Also the first half of the campaign is not great, I don't think the story makes sense for Master Chiefs character and I really don't care for fire team Osiris. I do think the game really picks up once you get to the elite home planet and meet up with the Arbiter. Overall this game is just meh in my opinion

I'll start by talking about the few things I did like about this game. The first is that even though this game released in 2012 it looks spectacular. The second is that the story itself is genuinely really good along with the cutscenes which
are what I enjoyed the most about this game. Unfortunately that is were my praise ends, I knew coming in that Halo 4 was not well liked and I can see why. The new enemies while interesting are incredibly annoying to fight and most of the time I would do my best to run past everything rather than fight it. Also the levels themselves are far too long, the par time for Bungie levels were typically between 10-15mins meanwhile I don't think there was one mission in Halo 4 that was less than 20. Overall I found the levels tedious and not particularly memorable, which is very unfortunate considering the story was so good.

I used to love Madden but the last few years have completely gotten me to hate it and that is why for the first time in I don't even know how many years I did not buy Madden on release. Yesterday I saw the game was free with gamepass/EA play so I figured I would download it and give it a try. Wow that was a mistake, I don't know why I expected anything other than the same exact game from years prior. It's honestly sad EA is our only option for a football game... BRING BACK 2K FOOTBALL

I would not consider Jusant one of the best games I have ever played but it was perfect for what it was, a relaxing game with good music and art design. The climbing mechanics were great and a nice change from the typical just point analog stick in the direction you want to go. I liked that the world building wasn't too in depth because it simply is not that kind of game, small little details that add to the experience to make it a little more than just climb up, but nothing over detailed or complicated. Like I said before this game is perfect for what it is and I will definitely be replaying in the future

I was unfortunately disappointed with Halo 3. The first 5 missions felt generic and I did not feel a lot of fun or excitement. I think I had too high of expectations coming in and that is what me feel more disappointed. However from mission 6 (Floodgate) to the end of the game I was amazed at how much better the game became. The last 5 missions I thoroughly enjoyed and the last warthog run was amazing, the best vehicle mission in the series. Overall I wish the first few missions were better becasue thats what really brings down my score. If I was only rating on the last 5 it would easily be a 5/5.

Easily the best game in the series, I really enjoyed Reach and 2A but this blows them both out of the water honestly. The combination of the more linear classic type of levels and the open world while playing as the rookie is perfect. Many of the missions give you more freedom to do things differently. For example you can choose to take the covenant head on or you could go into a nearby building and find a sniper on a balcony. Many of the missions have details like that to make it that much more enjoyable to play. While the story did not really have much connection to the Master Chief story the setup of having the team separated and then each mission is them trying to get back together was unique and interesting. I genuinley had fun playing each mission (not something I can say for the other Halo games) and I look forward to replaying this one and finding all the hidden details and ways to complete missions.

Halo 2 is a great game, that really builds on the best parts of Halo CE. Better story/writing, new features (dual wielding, playable elite, boss fights, etc). One thing that I would consider a negative (but not really), was that the Arbiter missions, in my opinion, were so much more fun than the Master Chief missions. The story and lore had more depth and the ability to use invisibility was much more fun than the MC's flashlight. Overall, this has been my favorite Halo game so far (H2A, Reach, HCEA)

Halo Reach is a very good game in my opinion, it tells a great story about the fall of reach and makes us feel for members of Nobel team. The story reminds me a lot of Rouge One, we know that the characters most likely aren"t going to make it but the game still gets us to care about them and their story. Overall I do wish there was a little more depth to the story and some better connections to the beginning of Halo CE. As for the gameplay it is a Halo game, armor abilities are a interesting additon but nothing ground breaking. Still fun and I really enjoyed it!

The overall gameplay I honestly enjoyed which was surprising for a game thats more than 20 years old. Reading the the book that goes along with this game really improved the story for me. Just the game things are much more "goofy" and not as serious. The books definitely have a much more serious tone which I find more enjoyable. Side Note: 343 Guilty Spark was easily my favorite mission in the entire game