It has a depressed slug which shoots tears as a primary.
But for real a really good game. Definetly recommend.

Such a fun game.
If parry/parrying would be easier and I WOULDN'T DIE at every fucking boss at least 5 times on normal difficulty (that's just me having a skill issue tho) I would give it 5 stars and it would probably be my game ever. Still really, REALLY good.

Fun with friends, kinda boring alone. And it gets updated WAAAAAY to much.

Fun with friends but kinda boring when alone. I don't get the hype. Am I doing something wrong?

First game to have the better character custimazation but thats basically it for me.

Good game nostagia and playability wise.

If the puzzles weren't so repetetive and there would be character custimization this would be 5 stars. Still a really REALLY good game imo.

I love the fact that your own character becomes a ''main feature in the story instead of just tagging along. Such a solid Lego game smh.

1 movie for a Lego game? Should've waited for the other 2 to come out smh.

Dynamax adventures are really fun but for the rest kinda mid.

Bad graphics but I actually kinda like it.

Generally good fun. Better than Minecraft I would say ;)