I didint know english when I first started this game. I watched videos in my native language to learn what to do. Had great fun. Played it knowing english, had one of the best experiences I had.

My favorite game of all time. The tank controls, witty Leon one liners. Splendid

A tense adventure game that will haunt your dreams. Perfect, down to every last minute detail.

Loved it. Yes there are loading screens, so? Bethesda and Obsidian are the best when it comes to these kinda rpg games.

I was longing for a competetive game I can plan on consoles. Delivered nicely.

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Great improvement with miles' abilities over spider-man. Great graphics and almost made me shed a tear with the speech impaired girl giving the mask at the end.

Solid graphics, great sense of progress if you dont mind the bazillion credit cars and perfect handling model.