The hardest pokemon game out there. Lots of fun. I like getting to snag shadow mons from other trainers. The forced double battles is the best addition to the franchise. All if the other trainers are actually tough because of the limited pool if mons to choose from. Feels like a more traditional jrpg and I love it for it.


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Definitely one of the spiderman games of all time.

It's really good. Being able to switch between miles and peter is a very fun mechanic and I'm excited to see how the two play styles evolve in the next entry

The story was definitely great and I think is the highlight of the experience. Harry is really protrayed well and I think that the balance of peter being spiderman and peter is really good. I feel like miles was a bit neglected in this entry, which is probably the only negative I have about the story


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Yoko taro is the only person who can take a joke ending of a 5/10 game and turn it into one of the most meaningful experiences in gaming.

The combat in this version of the game is definitely polished now. Feels very clean and intuitive.

The way the game switches from different styles is one of my favorite things that modern games have done. Most of the game is action combat but will switch to all kinds of different styles, my favorite being the resident evil mode that happens.

The one thing holding the game back for me is the repetition of having to play the story again and again. Tho I do like how it ties into the core gameplay.


9/10 nier automata is the game where you come for the waifus and stay for the philosophy. This game actually got me to get out and read a few books. Yoko taro absolutely blends the ideas of philosophy with an interesting setting to convey his ideas.

The music is some of the best around. My wife and I ended up seeing the symphony. I really can't sell this any more it's just too good.

Combat is a considerable step up from nier. Very fun, and the changes from shooter, to side scroller, and action combat is smoothe and crispy.

Overall I think this may be my favorite game I have played this year and will probably be one I come back and visit several times

I cant imagine what it must have been like if you had gotten this game in 2012 not knowing what you where getting into. One of the best and most horrific games that i have ever played.

Being a story based shooter is a tough call in 2012 when everything is a military shooter that has multyplayer. this game is highly critical of that genre, forcing you the player to look at what you are doing in the game and ask if you should blindly follow instruction.

Most points of the game there are "choices" that you can make if you pay enough attention. But the game doesn't really want you to know that, which is why they only tell you once at the very beginning that your mission is only recon. Walker changes it nearly instantly and you the player just blindly accept that you are supposed to just start killing people now. This works very well in setting the themes and making you think a bit more when you play other games

The game play is fine, nothing too ground breaking here. Standard cover based 3rd person shooter affair. I would say its not even quite as good as the gears of war or mass effect games, but definitely serviceable. Again though, this almost adds to the theme of the game, why is it normal for games to be fun while killing other people in a war setting.


I love miles. over the passed few years he has kinda become my favorite web slinger. Spider Man Miles Morales nails the introduction to the character. He really has a great time to shine here, Pete is on vacation and its up to Miles to protect Harlem.

The voice work and music where really a stand out in this game, especially hearing troy baker. the web swinging is obviously top notch, just like the last game.

I actually really liked the length of this title too. it really didnt overstay its welcome, but it took the time it needed to set up miles, and all the people around him who will be important in the future.


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When i fist booted up this game, i didnt think that i would be playing my game of the year. hard hitting battles ,great explorable world and a solid party.

the first half of the game really felt a bit like lunar ,and i ultamately wasnt vibing with that as much. i really liked the combat though so i kept playing. and im happy that i did .What i got was so much more than lunar. Once the set up is over at around the 13 hour mark the story starts to rocket away, taking the player on a journey that is so much more than the sum of its parts.

the timed input combat really felt great here. it made the standard incounters feel more difficult while not being a taxing menu based fight everytime.

My only nit pick is that i would have liked a bit more interpersonal drama with the party. maybe a few side quests with some of the supporting cast to flesh out their relationships a bit more. but that even feels a bit much, since the party all works well


This game is pure nostalgia for me, its probably the game i remember most from my childhood. Playing it now as an adult i can say that it is pretty much as good as i remember.

The characters are all pulled straight out of comics and all feel like they fit nicely. Venom is the favorite here, he really feels like a kid coming and going when he wants. Pete even points out that his motives are bad because he knew that pete wasnt the fake spider man.

The game does fight itself at some points. This can make it difficult to do the things that you know you are supposed to do. One part of the game that this kept happening to me was the venom chase. I kept missing one swing because the game would auto target somehwere else and i would have to do the whole thing over again.

Overall this game is a solid title that holds up if you dont think too hard about it 7/10

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Trails into reverie is an interesting game for me. While i overall loved the game its difficult to talk about my feelings toward it without bringing up some of the things that i had issue with.

The cast size is almost laughable at this point, with around 50 characters in your party alone. There is no way to ensure some of the more side characters are given the attention that they need. this is the reason that i think the crossbell games are so good, they have a small but tight cast who i care about a lot. One area of this game that does this well is in C path. Having a path that focus more on 4 people really let me feel more of what they are feeling in the game.

The paths to walk was a really neat idea, and while i enjoyed that it let me see the pats as they unfolded together, I cant help but to feel like it could be a Bit much at times. this is mainly to do with after a certain point all our gear swapped around, which is a good thing and should have been that way from the start gameplaywise. Due to this tho i didnt have enough gear to go around and was constantly swapping gear around after every party swap. Really could have used a save build feature

It also feels like some of the same story lines are being hit again. Crossbell literally gets its independence in azure, and the beginning, and the end of this game. it really kind off took away from a moment that i was looking forward to for a long time. Rean and ishmelga too was a point of frustration for me. i think that the end of cold steel 4 handled that really well and it felt a bit odd to bring back something that was already delt with. Though i did like the idea of a rouge ai using one of the gifts to try and make life better the wrong way.

One of the strongest points of this game is Lloyd. He has kind of been the same guy since zero, but thats what i love about him. hes always steadfast in his convictions and doesnt need anything else to overcomplicate his character. The reveal of C was also really cool. Something that i didnt see coming, that can only really work in this story. I am very excited to see where they take his character in the future

Another thing that i loved in this game was the Daydreams. this is how they where able to Give the side characters more in the story even though they wernt part of the main plot as much. My favorite being the one about the Bright family.

The combat in this game is highly exploitable and that is really fun. i was able to essentially turn off difficulty for most encounters. Its not as bad as in the cold steel 1 and 2 though i think. as in those games i was able to one shot most endgame bosses (love Laura). I am excited to see where the combat system goes from here.

One of my favorite segments of the main plot was in the early part of Lloyds story having to track down the separated members of the SSS. it felt very reminiscent of cold steel 2 and obviously FF6. I also just love that this game isnt afraid to lean into the campiness a bit. the comedy in this game is pretty low hanging fruit, but im here for it.

Thank you to falcom for this wonderful title, and i am patiently, but excitedly looking forward to kuro.

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This game was a fun distraction for the time that I put into it. The combat wasn't really anything too special but I really liked that about it. Unfortunately the characters and story are also basically the same. Nothing was ever too much of a surprise. Over all a 6/10

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Strong 7/10. Characters are good, fun gameplay. The main issue I had was the pacing was kind of poor. Either do a bunch of side quests or do a main mission. Didn't really feel like I could get the side quests done at my own pace. The highlights were the eikon fights for sure. Big spectale and nottoo difficult makes them really fun. For on the ground combat, the different abilities really felt good and brought enough diversity to the fights to make them feel customizable. The story, while I feel a lot of it has been done before, was overall engaging and well told. Happy to cet this one completed!

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I don't mean to oversell it, but it changes you. I attempted to play XG three separate times, but it finally clicked on the last one. XG remains an incomplete masterpiece that I am sad I put off for so long. The overall writing, is on par with classic literature. Despite the presentation of the second disc being incomplete, I like everything about it and how it was handled.

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The tie-in for all the numbered Xenoblade games; felt like a perfect culmination of all 3 games. The protagonist reminds me of Fei from Xenogears. Short and sweet. Very enjoyable.

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Loved this game. It felt like a perfect ending to the Klaus saga. The characters are the best part of the game, with some of the most development of any game I have played. There are a lot of callbacks to Xenogears. The bittersweet ending left me in tears, as well as the midpoint climax. Oroboros fusing was my favorite mechanic of the game. Overall it was a wonderful 80-hour experience.