Fun with friends but only for a short amount of time as the levels get progressively worse as you go on. I think if I played this game with more than just one other person I might have had more fun but as a 2-man co-op team it got stale at the Aztec level.

Decided I wanted to play DBZ Kakarot in the canon order, so started with this DLC. I know enough about Dragon Ball to go on, but for someone learning about Bardock for the first time this was quite fun. The mini Vegeta story at the end was fun to play too.

Solid State Scouter playing in the last few fights was a nice touch, all in all I enjoyed the DLC but I could tell there wasn’t a massively high budget for this as there was a decent bit of padding in the main and side content.

Didn't really need to play for long to get the gist of this. Not much to it, brainless automation game that is probably better played on a browser than buying it.

Thought this was okay at the start but quickly realised this game isn't for me.

If you describe games as warm or cozy, please go outside

Shelving this for now, I really like it but I'm getting annoyed with some of the maps and how open they are. I prefer Doom 1's tight level design in terms of old boomer shooters but I can still appreciate this game is good even if it has a ton of bullshit.

Shut up Metal Sonic you stupid bitch

Quite basic, plays like a flash game and the sound is EXTREMELY LOUD. Genuinely a fun game but play this on controller, if you use a mouse you WILL get carpal tunnel.

Decent enough game but I think the DS version is better from what I played of it. Suturing in this version consists of randomly swiping the wiimote instead of making actual stitches, and the triangle "parasites" are bullshit. A real shame as I was decently invested in the story and gameplay.

Classy Jahkai Kuzi poopnega Mr KOF what the fuck was this fella


A game created within Golf Story which is essentially a parody of NES Golf titles like “Golf” (no way) and NES Open Tournament GOLF. Nothing special

This is certainly a thing that exists

A great experience, with plenty of humour, and a decently good difficulty curve. The quests did tend to be harder than the actual golf courses/rounds that you would play, but they were very creative that I didn't mind the grind to perfect them. The only thing keeping this from being a 5 out of 5 is the fact that this game is fairly buggy, some are quite small but I had a few shots somehow land in water when they were at least 20 yards from the shore. Thankfully that didn't happen often.

All in all very good game, but only play if you enjoy golf games.

Absolutely hated this, this is the most relentlessly bullshit Castlevania title I've played so far, and unlike the rest of them, the music here is Sonic Spinball levels of loud and obnoxious.