There's something about PvZ that has so much charm that was never replicated ever again in the series. EA failed PopCap

I am now on several government watchlists

-1 star for having Steven Universe characters

This review was written before the game released

I guess I had better write an actual review this time as I wrote one before the game came out.

Simply put, far and away THE BEST game RGG have ever put out. Yakuza 7 left a little to be desired in certain areas (especially music and the janky combat) but they’ve nearly perfected their own RPG formula here with the additions of movement and chain attacks, which are both integral and important to the combat. The music is much improved from 7 as well, and while the story isn’t perfect in any way, the huge payoff you get from playing the series beforehand is massive. It has been an incredible journey and all of the fanservice and the sendoff for Kiryu cannot be matched.

I honestly have no idea where they go from here but every game RGG makes just gets better and better in the quality department and they really are in a league of their own with the maturity of stories they put out.

On a side note, if you don’t play all the games prior to this you are a coward. If you only play 7 before this you are an idiot. And RGG please never include another vtuber in your games ever again.

If you’re curious, this was the original review:
“If RGG has million number of fans i am one of them . if RGG has ten fans i am one of them. if RGG have only one fan and that is me . if RGG has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the RGG, i am against the world. i love #RGG till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of RGG . Hit Like If you Think RGG Best developer & Smart In the world”

You can jump out of a helicopter to crash a pool party listening to Power by Kanye West


The Pac is back
Ghosts chomping at his feet
Pac's our hero
Pac just can't be beat, yeah!

Pac-Man yellow, Pac extreme
He's a chowing down machine
Ghosts, monsters, ghouls, and only one can stop them
Pac-man rules!

The Pac is back
Ghosts chomping at his feet
Pac's our hero
Pac just can't be beat

The Pac is back!

If this is the last Judgment game, and with that, the last game Nagoshi is involved in, what a send off. This game trumps the first in every way and aside from a slow start engages you in ways I’ve never seen in a Yakuza game. A genuinely detestable antagonist and some major characters with actions that will make you constantly question yourself, this game will keep you hooked and then some.

And the combat, WOW. Best combat in an RGG game, and this is just the best game RGG have ever made


Fuck SMB3 this is where it's at

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