A great experience, with plenty of humour, and a decently good difficulty curve. The quests did tend to be harder than the actual golf courses/rounds that you would play, but they were very creative that I didn't mind the grind to perfect them. The only thing keeping this from being a 5 out of 5 is the fact that this game is fairly buggy, some are quite small but I had a few shots somehow land in water when they were at least 20 yards from the shore. Thankfully that didn't happen often.

All in all very good game, but only play if you enjoy golf games.


Outside of Tetris, the best NSO centric game we’ve gotten so far. It’s a very impressive feat to have a race with this many players and it not feel boring or overly chaotic. I think with private matchmaking and more tracks this could be even better.

I finally beat Mario 64 for the first time and did a BLJ on my first try

Good game

This crossover should not work, but it does, and very well too. There’s not enough variety or any semblance of story for this to be anything exceptional, but it is decent and worth playing for the cheap price that it goes on sale for.

Phantom may be top 5 bosses in all of gaming for the cutscenes alone.

I can't cap the framerate so I'm getting a glitch where most of the NPC's jump around, which means I can't progress past the first hour or two of the game. It's a shame as while this game isn't anything special, it's decently fun and MUCH improved on the first game.

Randomly decided to get the rest of the achievements

Please play this game

Bottom text

Short but sweet. I want to know what Square smokes when they make the boss fights and themes for this game because HOLY FUCK

Decently interesting puzzle game but either I have a brain the size of a pea, or the game’s logic gets too complicated, as after the first hub level is complete, the levels get exponentially harder.

This game is very promising but I think (without having played Baba yet) it tries to copy Baba but without the good difficulty curve I’ve seen from that game. This game introduces new mechanics without any explanation and a lot of the time there is a VERY specific way to beat levels which take too much to work out.

Not a game I can recommend but one I’m at least glad I attempted as it is a nice change of pace from my usual genres.

Halo 2 is more an action packed game than this one, but Halo 3 finally brings across the perfect feel of war. Missions where you start off rushing in with 100's of marines, alongside much improved vehicle missions, and improved level design compared to 2 make this the perfect ending to the trilogy.

And the warthog run elevates this to masterpiece level.

Absolute dogshit, how did this get popular

Shelving this for now, after getting the bad ending. Exceptional metroidvania with some slight annoyances. Will do a proper review once I have actually gone back and completed the game fully

No rating from me, I have no desire to get back into this game right now, but it's not being put off forever. I wasn't the biggest fan of BOTW, and while this changes some things, it still feels just as empty and after the excitement of new things wore off, I found myself hating the BOTW formula again

No idea when I will be back

The first good classic Castlevania game I’ve played, and one that is almost perfect if it wasn’t for the bad difficulty spike in the last few stages of the game. The game looks and sounds great, and rivals Super Metroid in terms of how good the atmosphere can be on the SNES.