The film thing for vidya

What is in my mind games that are cornerstones in various ways to the industry and community of video games.

My submission/contribution to Pangburn's list

King's Field was an incredible technical feat for a launch PS1 game and, thankfully after making 5 of them they released this masterpiece which serves as a massive point of inspiration for the industry today, no matter how vague.
Tackles over the medium of being a game the importance of empathy or lack thereof in a way that isn't an interactive slideshow.
There's so many things this game is. Long-time support, premier modding community, practically invented some genres/formulas we now take for granted (battle royale, or as it was called back in 2012, "survival games/hunger games")
One developer army.

A salary man goes on to make one of the most inspirational indie games of all time, also a tale of why picking the right publisher is extremely important (and why self-publishing these days being viable at all via platforms like Itch and Steam is a godsend)
Though not the first 3D platformer or even the first game with good analog controls, it's maybe the first to combine the two masterfully, and miraculously after 26 years remains as one of the better examples of how to make a movement kit in a 3D platformer.

The back half kinda blows tho
A thriving community that's stood on its own two feet for over two decades in spite of constant opposition from the game's parent company, and despite constantly being scorned by the weeaboos FGC for being too dissimilar, clowned on almost all of them overnight by making seamless rollback netcode and matchmaking inside a goddamn emulator.
Best available friends.
Still a masterclass in both player expression and class-based first person shooters.
I've been harsh on the adventure duology and fans will argue over which 5/10 is best, but by far both are impeccable vibes and Adventure 2 specifically gave birth to an entire generation of DeviantArtists, filling so many people with inspiration and a fire for creativity.


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