Spore was such an innovative and ambitious game when it came out and still remains a unique and worthwhile experience. That being said, there are so many glaring problems that leave me wishing there was a sequel or successor to come out to correct them.

First of all, the whole game is simplified to be as user friendly as possible while sacrificing so much potential of what this game could have been.

The cell and creature creators make what looks more like cartoonish blobs than believable organisms, the tribal and civ stages feel like teaser mini-games, and the space stage gameplay essentially boils down to fetch-quest missions and collecting spice.

By today's standards, just about every feature (planet terraforming, vehicle creation, city building, etc.) is a small gimmick rather than a meaningful or impactful game mechanic. Collectively, this is what Spore feels like; lots of trinkets to toy around with until, inevitably, you get bored and stop playing.

Still, 16 years later, no game has taken the reigns to fill the niche that Spore has made and correct the mistakes.

Apparently people hate this game, maybe because they're comparing it to the rest of X-COM series.

I've never played another X-COM game, therefore, I think its awesome. It's just mindless, fast paced, shoot-em-up fun with no boring ass lore.

Cerebral, mind-expanding experience.

Strange but satisfying game overall. It has a bit of jank here and there but not too bad. Decent fast paced shooter with easy puzzles. Should have played on a harder difficulty - this is my only regret.

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Did they really need to add the gy prison rpe scene? Otherwise good game.

On second thought this game isn't that good.

A unique game with an interesting story. Definitely inspired by Silent Hill but also included the worst parts.

The game play is very tedious consisting of mostly fetch quests and avoiding invisible hit boxes.

Still a worthwhile gaming experience.

A Sega classic that still holds up today. Some crunchy fighting game play and somewhat cheeseable enemies, but still overall a short and sweet game. Even better with co-op.

Abandoned after about 50% game completion because it's bad. It really didn't excel at anything in particular. The music was bad. The story was bad. The same enemies just got recycled and reskinned through out most of the game. None of the choices really mattered, just choose weapons/armor with highest stats. The fighting got very, very repetitive and boring. Overall a very basic and formulaic game.

I liked the cut scene where you fly with the bird man. That was about it. At least I can compare future J/RPGs to this and be able to appreciate them more.

Bretty cool levels, music, mechanics and graphics that still hold up today. Lots of replay value. Overall a gem of a game. Half star off only for some jank and cheesable AI.

This game definitely had me seething, but that's just how games were back then (?)

Can't really complain about anything as there's nothing actually janky or broken about this game, it was just designed to be difficult near the end. Most difficult was needing to conserve power ups at crucial moments and not being able to go back. Other than that, just a simple NES game that requires some gaming skill.

Got to the 2nd to last level but had to drop due to emulator glitch and not enough motivation to fix the problem.