Portal 2 is basically the first game with the first game's story dial cranked to the max. The rich storytelling environments. new mechanics, and overall lore expansion made Portal 2 a very satisfying play, indeed.

Last year, I got really into Terraria, and for good reason. When I finish the game in like 98 years, I'll put my final review here.

Fallout 4, for what it may got wrong, got a lot right. The scenery is beautiful, the factions are diverse, and of course, the Power Armor revamp was a very, very welcome addition. Sometimes the lack of choice irks me, as well as the stability of the game engine, but Fallout 4 is my absolute favourite Fallout game.

Currently playing through Fallout 76 at level 22...will give thoughts as I progress more.

Charming management simulation game. Bit frustrating sometimes, but it can't be a complete cakewalk, can it?

G-Mod is a simple but charming game. Wanted it for the longest time as a kid, and now that I have it, I've gotta say. The addons make everything so enjoyable and just messing around made me feel like a kid again.

Half-Life is a damn fucking good game. The graphics show their age but the gameplay certainly doesn't. Are there frustrating parts that are a drag to play through? Sure. But it doesn't undermine the fact that this is a great game with a great story, and definitely great voice acting for Gordon Freeman.

This review includes my thoughts on both episodes. Half-Life 2 blew my expectations straight out of the water. The vehicle dependant parts felt annoying but the later part of the game is where it arguably shines. Characters like Alyx felt real, and the ending of Episode 2 just...pissed me off In a good way. Finally knowing what Valve fans felt when that absolute cliff-hanger hit like a semi. Severely hope Valve is working on an Episode 3 or a follow up HL game. Praying, even.

Neat puzzle-game with likeable characters. Totally not because they're all demon ladies. Why do you ask?

Really fun to play with friends. Better that way, if you ask me. Addons are silly, too.

MGR was technically my first Metal Gear game, but I'm glad it was. The gameplay is fun and the story is great, too. The boss fights is where this game shines best and the popularity is because of them, if you ask me. The accompanying music goes hard as hell and Daddy Kojima delivered with this.

I literally have no complaints about Portal. I think it is the closest to a "perfect" videogame that I've ever played. It covers all the bases of any game, being story setup, introduction to gameplay, a villain, and all. The escape from GlaDOS control part and allowing the player to see the grimy insides of the tidy, clean facility was starkly contrasting in the best way. Highly recommend.

Arkham Knight is unfairly panned by Arkham fans, but seeing how people are defending it now again, I'm gonna speak my mind. Arkham Knight's Scarecrow? My definitive version of the character. The bat-suit? So good. The story? stellar. The music? Stellar. Characters? Ste. Llar. Arkham Knight from start to finish is a fantastic Batman game and, in my opinion? Arguably the best.

Arkham Asylum is a very good play. The atmosphere of the game is easily the best in the series and is the most horror-like, and Batman's movements felt restricted in the confines of Arkham. Very, very good game.