If y'all are thinking that this is a helluva lot easier than the original, try changing the difficulty to Tough.
Still too easy? Try to get all Blue-base trophies by clearing them on Tough, too!.
STILL not enough? Get the Red-base trophies by clearing them on Tough while also dealing with the special condition.

Even despite a couple of performance hitches, this game is still real good. Game Freak seems to have given the FR/LG treatment to their OG.

the REAL wacky woohoo pizza man that mankind deserves.

Truly the culmination of everything Feperd and co. have done throughout the years, completely perfecting the Spark formula in both gameplay and story (which may not be to everyone's liking).
Truly, this is peak 3D Sonic at its finest.

This review was written before the game released

If you thought the visuals and gameplay of the base game were amazing, you ain't seen nothing yet.


look at how they massacred my boy...
Thanks, Gearbox.

Ok fiishing game, but with absolute bangers.

Y'all are sleeping on this game.
And by that I mean FOR PETE'S SAKE POPULATE THE SERVERS!! We can't have a 4v4 game with less than 8 people!

Sachi a cute.
Complete edition coming never.

"What if Mega Man had parries?" said one intrepid doujin circle.

Underrated puzzle platformer that's hella fun

Probably everyone's first exposure to Paperinik outside of Italy.
Game's kinda mediocre.