I wonder whether Justin Roiland will use his Rick voice or his Morty voice when he begs for forgiveness for his crimes

A must-play for John Woo fans. Also, the PS3 collector's edition includes the full movie Hard Boiled on Blu-Ray, which is both Woo's masterpiece and surprisingly hard to find find a great-quality copy of in the U.S. Worth a purchase for the movie alone. Max Payne 3 pretty much does everything this game does well but does it better, so it can feel a little obsolete in direct comparison, but it is fun for a single playthrough at least.

A clearcut case of people stealing parts from a bunch of different successful games (more than just Pokemon) and cramming them together with no mind paid toward cohesion or even basic in-universe logic. The elevator pitch sounds like a dumb meme game but there's no sense of humor outside of how dumb the concept is at a base level.

There is fun to be had here but it's a disappointment after the long wait for a sequel to the first Mirror's Edge. Catalyst feels unfinished. You do side missions to earn 'credits', but there is no shop or dealer or anyway to spend said 'credits'. The combat is boring and repetitive, a step down from the previous game. The parkour is tons of fun though, but the open world feels wasted and not particularly well designed or populated with anything meaningful to do. Probably worth playing just to mainline the story missions and not bother with the other chaff.

The only Smash Bros. I ever put any serious amount of time into playing. Had a lot of fun playing this over at friends' houses because I never had a Gamecube.

I'm a sucker for the apocalypse and this is certainly an interesting one. The story and character work are good for the most part and the world building is top notch, but come on man, let Artyom speak. I'm so sick of this silent protagonist schtick. The game jumps through so many hoops to make excuses for his silence, just let him talk, he already does on loading screens

It's pretty entertaining and much more ambitious than previous Quantic Dream games, but it's still goofy as hell and ham-fisted. I am a fan of the "movie-game" format, but David Cage is just not a good writer or director. Let's try giving the reins for this style of game to someone else

Nothing is played safe; likely the most daring narrative decisions in video gaming and without a doubt the most powerful, uncompromising interactive experience on a thematic level I have ever played. The heavy focus on complex themes and deeply rooted character work will surely leave some players angered or upset, but that is a risk Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog are clearly willing to take and the game is all the better for it. This is something special. Here is a video of a debate I took part in on the merits of the game's storytelling https://youtu.be/rf7JWMkzvHY

The lack of the teased multiplayer mode even two years later is the only little disappointment

The guy who taught my journalism class in high school decided he was retiring at the end of the year, so he stopped giving a shit and never taught us anything. As a result, I got really good at Tetris while sitting in his classroom waiting for the bell to ring.

Raise your hand if you spent countless hours playing this as a kid because you had nothing else to do even though it sucks and you had no idea how it works

Side note, how the fuck is the game description on this page going to call Minesweeper a Minesweeper-type game unironically

I would love to see current-day Takeshi Kitano make a game with modern tech

Visually gorgeous but completely unenjoyable on the gameplay side of things. Needed major mechanical refinement to not let down the potential of the Kurosawa-esque visual aesthetic.

Surprised to see so much disdain for infinite on here. I thought it was excellent on every level

The dudes who made this are way too obsessed with pipes. They should be making Mario games

Still possibly the best stealth game to date. I don't know why no other franchises have been able to utilize the shadow systems this well in all the years since, especially with modern tech