more like farm frenzy gone wrong

so.. its a game about 2 people from Alabama living in Ohio, neat.

if i, before playing this game, didn't know about it, then after playing it someone told me its a 19~20 years old game, i'd call them a liar, its way too pleasing both visually and in the physics aspect to be that old, enjoyed this game to a full extend.

hotline miami 2 explosion sound caused me permanent ear damages, very epic

I don't know how to describe this game, for the story, i could say the characters are very expressive it really surprised me, maybe i even envied some of them a bit for how expressive they were with one another, there's a sole objective you are given in the first minute in the story, reaching it isn't close to the end but merely the beginning of the game actually, the twists in the plot are constant and mostly hard to predict, each time u feel closer to finishing the story, it proceeds to answering another question and then another then another till there're vaguely any left, u won't be bored though.

The music, oh my god, the music
the game hits with some awesome awe-strucking brain-melting hot-throbbing cheek-clenching music that will leave u listening for a while in a 5-minutes part not wanting to skip to next line, in some parts the music feels divine!
like some notes were composed by the hand of Orpheus just spilt from between his fingers to fall in all the right places then reaching your ear, other parts it just feels really good.

I don't need to talk about the art style much, i'll try keep it short this time unlike the last 2 paragraphs
the art just excels in showing all the details it needs, it can depict someone very normal looking demonic and dangerous with clarity, show an eventful act in 1 drawing even, thats how expressive it was sometimes.

it's quite simply the best story i have ever read or played in my life so far.

this is my first time playing a visual novel though, and i just finished it minutes ago, so i hope i don't seem like exaggerating for i am still emotionally impacted, maybe i became very expressive as well after playing this game? we'll never know....

wait this is an Indie game??? zamn.

Yet i only understood very little about the game story --i know i have to play part 2 to understand the rest-- even with all these missing details the game was still super fun, loved the obscure, bloody retro-like theme it had, the music is amazing and the gameplay is very fun, though it can be irksome sometimes it was still an amazing experience, play it if u haven't still.

as someone who finds enjoyment in rhythm related minigames, haruka's part was absolutely fascinating, each character had its unique story each in a different city yet so connected to each other, not to mention the final chapter which gave me the right amount of everything, truly its a series like no other