3 reviews liked by BrunoNasc

An incredible work on how the democratization of information, can also mean that, through the same means we can make it accessible, we can also share disinformation. Through media, it is possible, for those with money and power, to control the public opinion, regarding any topic, even politics.

The gameplay is a huge improvement from the first game, and the boss fights are now hard, but rewarding, no longer feeling like you're being punished for even the slightest mistakes, that are sometimes, not even your fault. The caracters are engaging, and Raiden fits very well into the memes and themes of the series. A masterpiece all around, a must play.

Tirando preço full e essa pratica de merda da Konami, um prologo ridiculamente cativante que te enche de curiosidade pra jogar o Phantom pain.
O conteudo extra desta merda me tirou muita risada.

Considerando que é praticamente uma demo do The Phantom Pain, a duração extremamente curta da missão principal e o fato de só haver um mapa não me incomoda. O mapa é bem grande e serve perfeitamente para mostrar as mecânicas e a fluidez da jogabilidade do Metal Gear Solid V.