I dont know how often I restarted it. I was one time in the last level and then I quit because I was afraid of the difficulty. Was my first Luigis Mansion so the level structure didnt bother me.

palyed through it and it was ok. I had fun but nothing that was really great

Building levels was my big passion for a short time. But I think it shouldnt take so long to acces basic building blocks.

Play Smash Bros, I mean it. As long as you have a Nintendo system. I tried to get into it, but it can´t even be compared to smash bros. Maybe it´s just alright if you dont´t have a Nintendo System to Play a Smash Bros title. The gameplay is just not responsive at all and it doesnt feel different if you punch the air or an enemy. That one thing alone (at least for me) destroys the entire feeling of fighting.

I dont remember anything. Just got it one time randomly on my Birthday together with Link between Worlds. I mean I just played this for two days and then never again according to my 3DS

I Just know that I had fun with it until I couldnt beat a boss or something. Gameplay was fun I guess

I remember that I used to have fun with it for a time period and I was really into it, but I was a child when I played it and it was to hard for me sometimes, so I gave up on it. I think I should give it another shot now.

Played through it in one session and it was worth it. Perfect for days when I´m bored. Gameplay is fun and simple maybe a little bit too easy but if you wanna shut your brain off for a while it´s good.

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Press Mousewheel to travel through time

I personally didnt really think this is a really good game. It was more like ok for me because the Gunplay was pretty lame to me and the story wasn´t too appealing for me. I just thought that it lacked something. I just really liked the sequence where the Music from the janitor goes crazy and you shoot enemies left and right like in Doom.

played it once for an hour and then like never again, because I forgot that I had it. I was really surprised that I had this game about 3 or 4 years later.

Sad that its an alternative timeline and not an actual prequel but I at least didnt have any problems with the framerate surprisingly. The gameplay just got a bit boring and repetetive towards the end of the game.

Best smash and best multiplayer fighting game for me.

It was perfect during Corona but I didnt really play it after that. I still have good memories of it

I just remember that it was really fun and awsome but I never finished it, which is something I have to do one day