It was perfect during Corona but I didnt really play it after that. I still have good memories of it

I personally didnt really think this is a really good game. It was more like ok for me because the Gunplay was pretty lame to me and the story wasn´t too appealing for me. I just thought that it lacked something. I just really liked the sequence where the Music from the janitor goes crazy and you shoot enemies left and right like in Doom.

I played it when it wasn´t a buggy mess anymore and it was fun, the combat was still pretty foreign to me because I just finished Rogue the same day I started Unity. I think the parkour is one of the best in the series if not the best for some people.

The Game just isn´t really for me but I see why people like it

I think it´s the best AC mostly because of the pirate setting. I really like it that you spend 50% on the Ship and 50% on Land because the Naval combat is great. The World is actually one of the largest AC Map but it´s mostly just water and you always have your loyal Jackdaw to bring you everywhere. The story is really epic but nothing too crazy and not the best in the series (That honor goes to AC 2 and Revelations for me). The combat system is really fluid even though you are basically a demi god because even 100 soldiers couldn´t stop you (at least it feels like it). It´s still very fun and never got boring just like naval combat where you can be killed very quickly in contrast to the battle with swords and guns.

This is peak Pokemon in my opinion and definitely my favorite out of them all. I finished the main story but still haven´t finished the PWT but i know will. Unova is just overall my favorite Region in Pokemon and I think that the artstyle and music of gen 5 is just the best.

It is super fun and gives a real cool experience. Everyone who can experience this, should experience it.

I am so sorry Breath of the Wild but I cant give you 5 out of 5 anymore after Tears of the Kingdom

95% walking, 5% shooting. I know that it´s supposed to be an acurrate simulation of real life Hunting, but then they should have named it Hunting
Simulator 2017.

Its a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming

There were many cool Ideas and I was really surprised and shocked by a few things but it has no replayability at all and you should prepare for the round about 2 hour intro before you get to the good stuff.

Cant get really into it because the Moon mechanic is a little bit too stressful for me but I see that its good and I wanna finish it one day.

When I was younger I started over, again and again and again like I did with a lot of games so my play time is a lot but I dont know it exactly. I have to play it again because it was my first Pokemon game and I dont care about the pokemon from other generations not being in it. Music is almost perfect and the art style as well. Just great.I didnt finish it but I will

I HAVE to finish it. Still remember the time you unlock the key ability of the game and how much I adored it.

If you didnt play it, just do it and try this classic out. I personally like the Open World Zeldas more but I still think its creative and fun.