Fun, but really really difficult in places.

I think it could have benefited a LOT from a level select or a better way to continue, the minigames are kind of frustrating, but overall, it's an enjoyable addition to the series, even if not perfect.

The art direction is really nice though, and I like the addition of Bubu as a character.

This game is actually pretty decent if you don't play the bugged North American release.

Not quite as good as the arcade titles, but still enjoyable enough.

A really solid entry in the series that innovates on the 2D Mario formula in (almost) all the right ways.

I do kind of wish that the characters had different abilities, though, and the fact that the only boss in the game besides the final boss is Bowser Jr. is insanely lame.

Overall, it's really good, though.

I went in REALLY trying to like this given I'm a huge fan of the series, but it changes the Bubble Bobble formula too much and not in a particularly good or fun way.

Taito, I beg of you

Bring back the chain reaction mechanic

Solid game, but WAY too short. They should have put in a level from Sonic CD or the Advance games or something, I'd love to have seen Stardust Speedway get a full level. Hell, if asset creation was an issue, I think making multiple acts per level for each gameplay style could have worked.

I also kind of wish the Genesis levels felt more true visually to the Genesis games in regards to art style, Forces stuck a bit closer to that which I liked.

The gameplay itself is really solid though, I just wish there was more of it.

A charming game that's pretty historically important as literally the first JRPG ever made.

Some people who come in used to a lot of JRPG conventions might be a bit put off by this game lacking a number of those, but as a gaming milestone, and as a game on its own, it holds up pretty well and has a lot of heart in it.

A really stylish superhero-themed fighter with character designs by Masami Obari, who also worked on the Fatal Fury OVA series and a litany of mecha shows.

Arc System Works currently owns the rights to the IP and I REALLY want to see them revive this, it'd look great with their visual flair.

A pretty decent addition to the Sonic series.

The art direction is some of the best of the series, utilizing Lost World's style reminiscent of the Genesis games and mixing it with a bit more detail as seen in the previous 3D entries. The gameplay itself is pretty fun too, with Modern Sonic and the Avatar's levels both being fairly enjoyable to run through.

The only big issues I have with it are that the game (and levels) are too short overall and Classic Sonic's physics feel a bit off. Either way, a solid entry into the franchise, but I think it does show some of the weakness of the Boost formula as it just seems far too short and the level themes aren't as varied as I'd like.

Overall, not bad.

A fun take on the original, I like that it serves as a reboot of the American version of the game while being a sequel to the Japanese version.

This might be my favorite out of the trilogy? I'm honestly not sure, but it's just as good as the first game and is definitely worth playing.

A very cute and charming puzzle game that's a lot of fun.

The art and music are well done and the gameplay is as solid as the original arcade title. It feels a tad lacking in terms of content, but otherwise I don't have any issues. Hope to see more retro revivals like this from the developer in the future!

A pretty good entry in the series, but unfortunately it does some things that make it feel like a downgrade from 5 in some regards.

The visuals are the biggest issue I have with the game; they just really do not look very good. I SEVERELY wish they had gone in a more stylized and cartoony direction for the visuals. Realism doesn't work for Street Fighter designs, and stuff like Luke's weird Popeye arms or everything about Blanka just looks off. The stages also lack a lot of the charm that SFV's did. The avatars also look pretty bad and it took me a ludicrous amount of time to make once that looked halfway decent. Capcom's 2D art has always been amazing and I wish this game's visuals had a chance to show that off, because they just don't do it justice.

On the other hand, I do like World Tour mode a lot, it's a fun addition to the series and an excellent way to do a story mode in a fighting game. I kind of wish the non-Metro City and Nayshall areas were a bit bigger though. The base gameplay is fun, and I love the return of having more than one Super Art.

SFV's visuals were by no means perfect, a lot of the earlier characters looked off, but it still had that Capcom style to it which is what drew me to the SF series in the first place; this game feels severely lacking on that front. I also have some issues with the localization, there's some pretty odd or questionable choices for certain things.

Overall, it's a fun time and by no means bad, but I just feel they went in a direction with it in terms of presentation and designs that feels like a massive misstep.

Legitimately a lot of fun if you like trivia.

Except the sports questions, fuck those.