Probably one of the best MvC games. I miss this era of Marvel stuff.

It's a very solid game, with some of the most fun gameplay in the series. The story mode is also a lot of fun, though feels like it had some missed opportunities.

The biggest issues are the character models themselves are often pretty wonky, the fact that all the "comic book-ness" in 3 and prior games is hardly present in favor of trying to capitalize on the MCU, which just leaves the presentation falling a bit flat. A lot of the new roster picks are great, especially on the Capcom side, but a lot of the issues with its creative decisions can be chalked up to the Disneyfication of Marvel as a brand and it shows. Most of the roster being reused straight from MvC3 is also kind of a drag, and the lack of X-Men or Fantastic Four-related characters definitely feels off. The Marvel character themes are also all really boring and "MCU-ified" compared to Hideyuki Fukasawa's amazing soundtrack from 3.

Overall, it's a fun game, but definitely doesn't quite hit the same heights as UMvC3, with most of that being chalked up to how the Marvel brand has been handled since like 2012 or so, which is a shame.

It's really great to see these characters come back in a new game, given I always thought the Street Fighter EX characters were some of the coolest in the series.

The art direction is decent, though I do feel a lot of the reimagined character designs feel a bit overdesigned and don't have quite the same charm the originals had. The outfits and designs in the Bengus-illustrated portraits from the original EX games are pretty much the perfect looks for those characters, IMO. It also feels a bit bare-bones in terms of features, but Arika isn't exactly a massive developer and it's clear this was a passion project for them.

Overall, it's fun and I'm glad it exists.

The sprites in this game are GORGEOUS

A fun return for the series, and I'm glad they're making attempts at modernizing Mega Man instead of a third 8-bit entry. 9 and 10 are fun, but it definitely felt like the series needed to evolve again after that.

A lot of fun, though the costumes are insanely difficult to get enough money to unlock. Still pretty enjoyable and has some great guest characters.

Finally able to achieve my dream of playing as the cute dealer from those Tecmo pachislot games

Redhead Simon is the definitive Simon Belmont design

Not a bad game, but also not very memorable at all.

I had a decent amount of fun playing through it the first time, and gameplay-wise it's decent, but pretty much everything in it is re-hashed from older games and it doesn't bring much to the table. Just more forgettable than anything else.

Better than the first episode, actually introduces new and original elements, which helps it stand out. I feel the levels are also pretty solid.

Not my favorite 2D Sonic, but far from a bad game.

A really solid beat-'em-up that serves as a love letter to the old Konami games. My only issue is that it's kind of short, but it's significantly longer than most of the games its homaging so I can't really complain.

Hoping for a sequel, because I really want more of this game.

A solid DLC, but part of me kind of wishes they had made more levels instead of just the survival mode.

Usagi and Karai are great additions to the roster, and a lot of the special perks (like playing as bosses) are fun, but once I beat Super Shredder I didn't really have much desire to go back to the mode. All the cameos from obscure corners of classic TMNT, like the toyline-only characters and stuff from the Archie comics, were really fun to see, though I can't help but wish there were more story levels added as well.

Overall, not a bad DLC, but just left me a bit wanting. Would be cool to see a second DLC with a new campaign and playable Mondo Gecko, Ray Fillet, or Renet or something.

It's definitely pretty damn fun and good, but I dunno, something about me just didn't get into it as much as I did the first game.

Not bad at all, though.

Me and all my friends at the 10pm Ninga Gaiden Sigma 2 brother HH