1952 Reviews liked by Buckru

this game's really cool and fun but also like very misogynist in regards to how it handles women. i will probably always prefer dishonored 1 to 2 but i'm so glad 2 stopped being like "turning a woman into a sex slave is a good thing actually"

Gameplay/combat design this, mobility that... Y'all are so boring.

I would like Doom Slayer to rip and tear my [REDACTED].


Okay more seriously, this was pretty great. The game didn't make the nicest first impression (the first few missions are definitely the worst in the game at large) and for a bit I thought I hated this but once everything started to click a bit more it became more enjoyable. I'm still not 100% sold on everything. My main sticking points were the extended bits of puzzle platforming (I loved the increased mobility but who the fuck asked for this?), some of the boss encounters, and the tight allotment of ammo. I know what they're going for with the ammo scarcity but it got to be a bit much to deal with when the game expects you to be firing on all cylinders with the various elements at play at all times. It wasn't as big of a deal early in but as they continue to ramp up the the encounters and/or boss fights it just started to be a headache. Even still, I could comfortably say at the very core this is my favorite first person combat in a game. Very excited to see a refinement on this in the next entry if they don't decide to scrap everything and do something completely new again.

Some of the stuff with the enhanced focus on a story in addition to the hub world between missions were iffy but never enough so to take away from the actual meat of the game. Definitely a bit of an oddity nonetheless.

This is the first game where it flat out felt like a worse experience to be playing with a controller for me so that might be something to keep in mind for those who have the option to play on a PC. Unfortunately, I can't seem to grasp mouse + keyboard controls in first person games that are more slow paced, let alone as hectic as this so i was Stuck.

10 year old me spent too much time at the houses of people who were allowed to play this game

One of the goals in my life is to play this on LSD.



really cool rpg maker horror game

This was the first Mega Man game I ever beat and compared to the other classic games it's definitely the easiest of the bunch (you can have up to like 20 lives and 9 E-Tanks FFS!). It does drag on a bit with the Doc Robot stages but otherwise very solid and enjoyable

How do you even rate something like this? Do you give it some credit because both of the games are absolute masterpieces or do you just rip it to shreds as they did with said masterpieces? I'll go with the latter since even the original creators hated it.

If you need to play it this way to experience the games then so be it, but I'd definitely recommend original PS2 versions if you can.
Otherwise the games themselves are two of the best of all time.

A very simplistic and short point-n-click adventure/puzzle game, but filled to the brim with charm, a great atmosphere, lovable and goofy characters by Doug TenNapel, clever puzzles and an extremely unique artstyle made completely out of 3 tons of clay. And what about the stupidly amazing soundtrack?? Definetly one of my favourites in gaming ever!

One of the most unique, joyful and memorable experiences I've ever had with videogames in my life. Totally recommended, especially as a first entry for newcomers to point n click adventures!

one of the best in the classic series, anyone who says otherwise is a poopy head

This is objectively the best game I've ever played. Hong Kong 97 is a perfect game. There is literally not a sing flaw.

The game has a simple story. It's 1997. Crime rate skyrockeded after a herd of fuckin' ugly reds. start rushing in from the mainland. So Hongkong calls in Bruce Lee's relative Chin to kill all 1.2 billion of the red communists, but there is a secret project to transform the deceased Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon.

That's the story, simple but perfect, but how is the gameplay?

The gameplay is nothing short of beautiful. All you do is kill everyone on screen and after you see three cars, you get to fight Tong Shau Ping, but be careful! Taking one hit from anyone will kill you, especially the guys in red who shoot at you.

It also features the best graphics I've ever seen. The cutscenes are just extremely compressed JPEGS (as if you look like you know what a JPEG is) and the in-game background changes every time you play. There's even a Coca-Cola background. The enemies are either guys in grey or red. But they're all evil red communists so Chin has to kill them all. And Tong Shau Ping is just a giant severed head of Deng Xiaoping. It's such a beautiful looking game.

Now I can not talk about Hong Kong 97 without talking about it's music. It's just a few second loop of lyrics from I Love Beijing Tiananmen. It's glorious. It's magnificent. Every single video game composer would bow down to the person who sang it. Not just video game composers, people like Beethoven and Mozart would applaud this.

Also Deng Xiaoping actually died in 1997, just two years after this game came out. Did the people from The Simpsons make this game?

Yeah, this is a perfect game. For a long time I could never choose a favorite game, but now I have. Hong Kong 97 is the best game that ever has and will be made.

unironically one of the funniest games i have ever played and the story behind its development is legendary

only played ac1 beforehand, and this was such a major improvement over it in every single way. probably wouldn't care much about it if i played 2 first though

Bastante buen gameplay y un enfasis en la historia que no esperaba. Se hace muy corto aunque parece que tiene mas finales. Ya hay opcion para decir que lo jugue en Switch, noice