Not quite as refined as future LucasArts adventure games and the mazes are annoying but it still holds up. The 8-bit CGA are surprisingly good considering the constraints and the atmosphere copied the movie really well.

Classic platformer with some fun traversal mechanics.

One of the better Ocean movie tie-ins. The cartoony graphics are nice, the level design is fun and the gunplay works a treat.

A classic Amiga platformer. It’s very basic, the jumping is a bit too floaty and the levels are not that well designed but it’s still good fun.

Not quite LucasArt level of quality but close enough. Enjoyable and with nice graphics.

Nice combination of strategic turnbased campaign where you conquer England and action minigames. One of the first classic Amiga games and the graphics still look really good considering this was released originally in 1985.

This game is just a set of very basic minigames with some nice graphics. It’s inoffensive and passes the time but that’s about it.

I like the graphics and the comic aesthetic with the panels but the actual gameplay is frustrating and the timer-based gameplay was such a mistake.

I couldn’t get on with Chuckie egg. The controls for climbing ladders is maddening. I was fighting the controls more than the chickens.


One of the most fun single-screen platformers especially with 2 players.

Nothing quite like a classic Bitmap Brothers game, they just have a style all their own. The gameplay is very “crunchy” and defeating enemies is satisfying, the levels and general gameplay is so fast as well giving the whole thing a very frenetic energy.

Not a great game but one of the games I played the most when I was younger so playing through it fills me with nostalgia. I’ll finally get round to beating it this time as I’ll be able to follow a guide, something I wasn’t able to do in the early 90s!

One of the best RPGs on the Amiga and it still looks great today. It’s hard as nails though.

One of the better movie licenced games on the Amiga.

One of the greatest Amiga games ever. Not as punishing as most games of the era and the controls are really fluid making it one of the most fun Amiga games to play still.