Danganronpa, except it doesn't embarrass me to talk to people about it.

Memes aside, fantastic game. Just play it.

This game has continued to be one of the few things to get me to set up the Wii, so many years later.

Nostalgic and a great experience with friends.

This game has become a comfort game for me I return to ever so often. It's a fall favorite for me now, and returning is always a cathartic experience.
The art and sound design is absolutely fantastic, and this is paired with a decent story and great character writing.

Definitely not a favorite for everyone, but it continues to be a piece of media that resonates with me.

The initial hype upon release for this game was a lot of fun. Once that died down and the Epic Games purchase happened the golden age quickly started to fade.

I recently returned for the XIV collaboration and completed the battle pass. I am still unsure to why I subjected myself to one hour of Fall Guys per day for a month. The overall gameplay is still the same way I remembered it to be, which isn't horrible. Completing this battle pass felt like a job though.
I am still unsure to how a Alphinaud skin in a game I do not play got me to play it daily, but lesson learned. I will not be returning to Fall Guys.

Beat Saber is a VR must-have. One of the most fun gaming experiences available in Virtual Reality.

Skill floor is low enough and mechanics are simple enough for it to be engaging for any audience, and the skill ceiling is insane. Songs (that are mapped well) feel great to play through consistently.

However I ended up taking away a star since I find Beat Saber nearly unplayable without mods.
The base game simply does not have enough songs to keep you engaged for the long term and the only other option to add songs besides modding is paid DLC packs. The amount of great additional features added by mods makes it very hard to approach the game in it's vanilla state again, songs aside.

You do need to have a good amount of spatial awareness if you are playing in a smaller play space or you might get hurt or hurt your controllers.

As of writing this I only have around 110 hours logged but I can say with confidence that Sea of Thieves is fun, especially when it works properly.

PVP for the most part is a good experience with friends. Naval combat is really cool, and it feels good to land shots on the cannons of your ship. Due to the mobile nature of the ships it's usually consistently engaging, unless you get an opponent with the goal of stalling you out.
However it is not very good feeling when your attacks on an opponent just... not work. The issues with hit registration seem to be consistent enough to be memeified.

I find the PVE repetitive to grind out, but occasional encounters with other players in the server make it interesting every so often.

Maybe one day I will complete the story missions, but they haven't really seemed to pique my interest.

This review contains spoilers

I started playing XIV in Endwalker (I caught up to current MSQ before the 6.2 release). So in regards to the game's life span I am definitely still a newer player so my perspective may be more rose-tinted than someone who has been playing much more years than me.
Overall my experience has been a positive one.

When it comes to story I feel Endwalker MSQ is slightly weaker than what Shadowbringers MSQ brought to the table, but it was overall an enjoyable experience that managed to somehow tie up a lot of loose ends in preparation for the future of the game/story. In particular I found the Garlemald section very strong. The raid series story was also excellent, although I also think Shadowbringers surpassed Endwalker here too.
The exception to my praise of the story is the post-expac patch content which I believe violently dropped the ball (speaking specifically to the 6.2-6.5 MSQ).
Otherwise for story alone I could recommend XIV. It definitely takes it's time at points, and may make you reconsider your decision, but oftentimes the pay-off proved worthwhile for me.

Gameplay wise, I'm a mid-core DNC player, and while I have not really been as commited to the game in recent months. There's definitely bit of a content lull if you are caught up on the content you intend on participating in, as with any live service game.
I still find myself occasionally returning to the game to raid (party finder) which is usually a good experience for me.
It's tap combat. If you don't like tap combat you likely won't like XIV, or at least you won't like it beyond the trivialized casual content necessary for story completion. The job I play is particularly simple, but still engaging enough for me.

When I'm not engaging with raid content I'm usually in past expansions mid-core content such as relics and exploration zones. Endwalker seems to lack these middle of the road experiences which is disappointing as I do not believe the variant/criterion dungeons and island sanctuary are a suitable replacement. However, XIV thankfully keeps past expac content accessible and there is a lot of community support for the exploration zones already in the game. This being said, I still wish there was something new as Eureka, BA and DRS have been some of my favorite experiences in the game, and I didn't even experience them while they were current.

Hoping for a new exploration zone ASAP in 7.x.

I wouldn't call VRChat itself a game but rather a platform. That being said, very cool mirrors.