Pretty amusing. I think I would have enjoyed it more had I been given a better sense of the things going on in the demon realm before the game started asking me to make choices, but I guess that's kind of the point.

The Dishonored series really wastes some truly great worldbuilding and design on one of the most aggressively uninteresting stories in gaming.


Short and sweet with some engaging puzzles and mechanics that make great use of the Playdate's features.

Honestly I was just so happy to see the Campo Santo logo in the credits. RIP

I cried when the first 20-tile board showed up.


Pretty simple, but the addition of a jump button adds a little more strategy and difficulty to the classic Snake formula.

Season 6 of Fall Guys is a weird one. It added several solid mini-games to the ever growing lineup and the theme was fun with some good costumes. But it went on soooooo long, like two or three months too long. I eventually lost interest in the new costumes that were just the third variation of the same ones I already had.

It's the last season before the free-to-play monetization systems take over the game, so I hope the fun lasts. It's been a fun ride for these original 6 seasons at least.

Not bad for a PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale clone.

A fun little 2D golf game. Not much to it, but there's enough variation here that I could see myself going back to it.

A clever idea for the Playdate, held back by a lack of screen real estate and the slipperiness of its controls.

Takes a streamlined approach to the Wii Sports formula, but loses something in the process.

A somewhat interesting premise, but the randomness of the outcomes (and writing) doesn't inspire me to explore it more than one playthrough.

A great, simple puzzle game with enough variety to keep me coming back for more.

"I can fix him." - Crankette after Crankin is late for their 49th date in a row