I can beat waves of policemen with a comically large spoon made out of pure gold, which means this game immediately rocks

Sucks how the story is probably the worst in this series, because other than that everything's pretty good. Especially Akiyama.

This games okay but it gave us richardson so this game gets points for that

I usually say that there is no bad Yakuza game, but this game is an exception.

While the story of the second game is (mostly) preserved, and some things are improved here, this game sucks.

The combat is clunky and janky beyond reason (the fact your combo stops when enemies block feels really clunky and does not feel natural at all), they removed an entire location from the original game and removed some of the songs (two licensed), and replaced them with good but incredibly unfitting songs, the upgrade system is incredibly tedious (the fact there are 5 sprint upgrades says a lot), the Majima construction minigame is mediocre, and the Hostess minigame and Majima saga are just subpar fan service.

There are some good songs here, but I'm incredibly tempted to play the original PS2 game, because I rarely found myself enjoying this game.

I feel like this game would be a lot better if Majima stopped patrolling me me every 20 seconds

Everyone talks about the final moments of the game, but honestly the entire game is awesome, especially the characters

The fact you can play as Nathan Drake in a party with the Demogorgon, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and John Wick with Claptrap and 3 Amoguses on your backs while doing the Gangnam style and Chicken dance really cements this game as one of the best games of our generation.

this happened to my buddy eric

this is probably the only game that lets you conga with the enemy team whilst russian men that can singlehandedly take down an entire team feed everyone sandwiches, and that makes this game beautiful

If you love racing cars, managing Real Estate, sorting out Cabaret clubs, disco dancing, and beating the shit out of guys whilst following a really intriguing and fun story, this game is for you.