Squid kid's first roguelike, haha

For all the hype I saw within the community following up to its release, it ended up being a short but decent roguelike mode for Splatoon 3. Though it was a bit more challenging than I was expecting, I beat it pretty quickly, within a day or two. Since it's a roguelike DLC expansion for a game aimed towards kids that isn't a roguelike, it's understandable, though I still wish there was more to it.


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I learned about this game from Raycevick's video on it, and having played it, I thought it was decent. However, despite the praise I've heard for the game, especially from said video, it felt like there was something lacking in it. I don't play roguelikes often, but the game's pretty short, and it didn't feel like there was enough content for me to keep playing more runs after beating my first run, compared to say, Synthetik and especially The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (though comparing any roguelike to TBOI is unfair).

It has a great soundtrack and art style, but the gameplay is too slow for my liking, and I don't like the focus on puzzle solving.

I'm not big into turn-based strategy games or Fire Emblem games (the only other FE game I've played in the past is The Sacred Stones, which given that and Awakening are among the easiest FE games, probably isn't surprising?), but I did have fun with this. Being the filthy casual that I am, I really enjoyed the supports.

The game's real fun, though having the same map as SR3 is my biggest issue with it, since a new, different map designed for the game would have made using super powers more fun.

I had a lot of fun playing this, though it's dated in areas, being a PS2 game and all. Still, having had not much experience with character action games, I don't regret playing it.

I loved this game as a kid. Now, it hasn't aged well at all, and it's really janky, but I still like it.

Obnoxious, unfunny, and dated humor. The gameplay was nice at first, but it got old.