In the sexual way not murder way unfortunately that would be a much longer list

stole this from my friend lesbiankakyoin

Oh this one I haven't played yet but I WILL bang Astarion no matter what it is my destiny
Dear god uh. Sebastian mostly and some Sam, and then some expanded characters but not by a lot. And also a modded character
Only Linhardt. Seteth in thoughts only cause I don't rly wanna return to this that badly
Only Naoto
Rin, Hanako and Emi (personally) I didn't do the others
Did every romance scene except Comet cause the bitch can't stay alive
Well I played every route let's just say that
It's an otome but I only got to do Kagiha before the true end was- just read my review.
Only uhhhhhhhh blonde boy (whats his name again)
Did every route in this too


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