Honestly, while the beginning is very boring and littered with fetch quests that were clearly only there to pad playtime because there wasn't enough content, once you get past that, it can be fun. If you wanted to tackle this I'd recommend doing it with a friend though because that's just the best way to do so. That being said, Heavensward better be worth it.

My main.
She's so lovable and adorable honestly she's such a comfort

I haven't finished this yet but can someone PLEASE tell Alia to shut the fuck up

Doing another review for the story

Honestly I think it's great. The dub is kinda weird but I find that's mostly due to editing issues and not a problem on the VA's part, the action is great, the characters are amazing as usual (though I wish more of the cast appeared) and the ending was satisfying. 8/10

It'd be a lie to say I like this game but I do appreciate what it did for not only the hack n slash genre but gaming as a whole

I once said the answer was Mass Effect 2 when it was 3 or whatever and I'll never get over that

I still think this is the peak of the series but man.... V is BORING

Had I not liked this game it would've been the last straw for me and this series. Luckily, I finally was able to see why people like DMC, even though it took until the 3rd game

This is a great game but I like Rev 2 more honestly


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FFX is a great game but I think it has a few things that hold it back.

First off, this is easily the most linear FF game I've played. The party goes in a straight line 90% of the game and if you ever want to go back before the final dungeon you'll be in for a long haul. Second off, the unskippable cutscenes are UNBEARABLE. When fighting Seymour Flux or Jecht I just stopped looking at the screen until the battle started. Thirdly, I find the game's main villains really weak. The twist with Seymour anyone can see coming a mile away and throughout the rest of the game he's just a dick that wants to fight. That's where most of my problems with the game end though.

On the bright side, FFX has my favorite gameplay in a Final Fantasy game. It's fun and addicting and I prefer over the ATB system used by previous games, along with even the newer games. I enjoy the main character's relationship, especially Tidus and Yuna, and getting to know them throughout the story was nice, along with the similarities between this crew and Braska's. The ending is heart wrenching and beautiful and almost makes seeing the scene before the Jecht fight 6 times feel worth it.

Idk what rating to give this game somewhere between an 8 or 9, so I guess 8.5 works

I have wanted to play this game for damn near a decade now and oh my god it's everything I hoped it'd be

This game is nearly perfect for me, and it's the first Metroidvania I've really gotten into. My main problem with it is that soul drops are tedious and as a result getting the true ending in the game is also VERY tedious

This is honestly probably the best Mobile game ever made and I will lament over the fact that it's no longer on the app store