This entire series of patches felt like largely wasted time with its predictable and fillery story, that just feels like the writers wanted to work on an ffiv remake more than anything. The .55 quests I felt were since they actually moved the story forward. But I seriously hope CBU3 can pick the pace up because their writing hasn't been impressing me as of late

I wanted to like this game more, but it ends up showing its age horribly. The first half of the game is great, I have a few complaints like the capra demon boss fight but besides that I think it's great. It's after you beat Ornstein and Smough where the game really started to lose me. The areas and bosses I just found largely lackluster. The dlc was amazing though, definitely the highlight of the game for me. I'm hoping that Fromsoft's later titles will be more to my liking, as I do believe this game just got the short end of the stick in terms of the time the devs had to make it

This shit is so good it almost makes you forget the base game's second half

The final dungeon of the game is just a grindfest and honestly I simply can't stand it

My favorite was when Clive went up to the villain and said "looks like this was your final fantasy"

I only really like this game when playing with friends. Solo mode sucks

This game is hard to rate, honestly. While the story by itself is amazing, the repetitive gameplay and the amount of times you've expected to play through the game at least 3 times if you want to get every ending really bring down what otherwise could've been an amazing experience. I don't think I could fully recommend this game, especially if you prioritize gameplay over story. Luckily, it goes on sale often, so if you ever want to check it out and see if it's your thing I'd wait for one. I wouldn't blame you if it wasn't though

IGDB really has a knack for picking the worst covers possible

Kojima really awakened his 3rd eye writing this shit and I love everything about it

I love guns almost as much as I love swords

My body goes through withdrawal if I spend too much time without playing this

They should change this back to the better cover

The only reason this doesn't get a 1 is because the Berleezy playthrough exists


It gets a 6 purely because me and one of my friends spent the entire school year trying to top each other's scores and I found that very fun

The gameplay can be very frustrating at times but the story more than makes up for it