This is a fantastic first-person shooter that I'm really sad that I missed the hype train for. Not that it wasn't hard to, it was unfortunately sandwiched between two big releases from their biggest competitors and even after I was obsessed with Overwatch in the late 2010s. Coming in now, I see the light and have been Titanfall 2 pilled to the point where I give a hard stare at Apex Legends for delaying Titanfall 3 from existing. Perhaps one day, we just got Grand Theft Auto 6 announced, there's still hope. But you're looking for thoughts on gameplay. I think the gameplay is nothing short of excellent. The movement feels amazing, the gunplay is finely tuned, and there's still an active playerbase and it's not infested with malware (cough cough Call of Duty). I got to experience both the multiplayer and the campaign and both were excellent. In terms of the campaign, thanks for making me invested in a robot and punishing me for doing so. In terms of the multiplayer, thanks for queuing me with people who have played since release and punishing me for doing so. Overall a great game that I think is pretty damn peak despite my lower hour count.

I have grown up with the LEGO series, with most of my attachment going to Lego Star Wars III, the Marvel series, Lego Batman 2 and 3, the Lego Movie videogame and Dimensions. These games are easy to pick up and play and are great co-op games for younger siblings. I have a lot of love and nostalgia for this series, but even with that discarded I feel like some of the magic is gone with this game. The humor is in tact, especially in the sequel trilogy because it's a lot easier to make fun of, and the gameplay is pretty solid. However, the combat, although it's been overhauled and given a lot of bells and whistles, is really easy to dumb down to "blast them in the head" and "spam lightsaber throw." While combat was very simple in the older games, it worked in its simplicity. If everything is simple, nothing is. Meanwhile, they integrate a bunch of different gimmicks and ideas, so it feels worse because you find the broken move and just use that repeatedly, and it feels worse because of that. You spammed in the older games, but that was all you could do. The lack of a character creator really hurts as the Star Wars series pioneered that part of the LEGO games even when other subseries left it behind. The open world hubs are impressive, especially in size and scale. The visuals are really solid, the voice acting is okay (but you can switch it to the mumbles from the old games so that's cool), and there's a ton of collectibles and side quests. I just don't think I'd be interested in coming back to this any time soon unfortunately.

Shame what happened to its development after Nintendo did Nintendo things. Really good additions and feels good to play.

An absolute achievement of a mod that is an absolute banger, glad I experienced Smash 64 this way.

The finale to the original (and some would say only) Modern Warfare trilogy. I have rated these games solely on the campaign and I have to say that this is a satisfactory ending to a story that I didn't expect to really be engaged by. It might be more surface level because I have played better games in that regard, but make no mistake this game is really solid. Both stories are engaging and them coming together towards the end is really cool. I feel like these campaigns are like playing through a war movie or TV show and they succeed in that regard. Overall a pretty solid experience from someone not familiar with the franchise.

A really solid follow-up to the original. I'm only going off of the campaign in terms of rating because that's where my interests are. I've heard really good things about Special Ops and the multiplayer, but I wasn't interested in the former and the latter has been glitched and infested with malware. I think the story really ramps up the tension and weight of the fights at hand. While the first game had those elements, this game knocks it out of the park. The characters are fun to follow (mainly for Task Force 141) but the environments really convey the storytelling, especially the fights around Washington D.C., those visuals especially stick out to my mind. I unfortunately was spoiled on the ending but it still left an impact, as it shows the twisted ideals of painting yourself the hero in any war. All-in-all a really great follow-up that expands on the first one.

It's Monopoly, but it's on a shitty launcher and you can fuck up your trading.

A great 3D Mario game but goddamn there's 999 Moons, I needed to take a break.

I loved the 3DS game, and with the new additions like makeup and H O R S E, it made an already fun experience even better. Biased as hell for Mii games though please bring back Tomodachi Life please

A neat indie platformer that had an cool premise and fun characters. Didn't even know it had two endings until later.

The memes. Great hack and slash, great characters, great boss fights. There's a reason this game came back into the spotlight.

A sequel that gets the time in the oven that the first one deserved. The single-player content alone blows the first one out of the water, but the refined gameplay mechanics and movesets also show the massive improvement this game is. While the story is pretty straightforward and kind of underwhelming and there have been some horror stories regarding jank and bugs, the game itself feels great to play and each character has been lovingly crafted to play exactly how you think they would alongside some extra sauce that makes them stand out from the rest of the cast. The roster is divisive, where people have good reason to be critical of the cuts made in favor of weird replacements but it's also combined with the fallout of a post-Ultimate world causing high expectations. I don't mind the roster personally but I don't judge others for their critiques. Online is really solid, like amazingly smooth. There are some really gross bugs that have caused me to lose some of my ranked points and those really blow. The additional Day 1 DLC is a bit scummy (like $20 for the DLC AND additional costumes for $10 is yeesh), but I will admit that I splurged because it was on sale and I wanted to support the devs. DLC characters are fun picks in a vacuum but as a package is pretty disappointing, especially since no new series are added or veterans return. To not end on a downer though, if you're looking for a new mascot platform fighter to mess around in, this is a good choice. And if you were burned by the first one and are skeptical, I can confirm that this game is good. I'd wait for it to go on sale though.

The Modern Warfare that started it all. I didn't grow up with the franchise at all so I don't really have any attachment or nostalgia to this game. I will say that I only played through the campaign and not the multiplayer because I've heard it's very dangerous to do so and Activision doesn't give enough of a shit to fix it. Overall, I thought the game was serviceable. I had some frustrating snags (granted I was playing on Hard mode, one step under Veteran) with the last couple of missions, which makes sense in terms of difficulty curve but I felt there were some deaths that weren't my fault. The story was pretty fun, I like the dynamic between the SAS unit specifically. General COD gameplay which I'm sure gets a bit more refined with the later entries.

This is my first Resident Evil game, so I do not have previous franchise exposure to weigh this against. I have not played the original RE4 so I can't see how it stacks up as a remake. However, what I can tell you is that that doesn't matter and that this is a really fun game to experience. The combat is tense and engaging, as you scramble between furious shots and having to back away to reload or craft ammo and healing items. The characters are very likeable, I love the dynamic between Leon and Ashley and how they grow individually and as a duo stranded on this crazy ass cult island. I will say this is an action game mixed with horror elements rather than a straight horror game. There were a few moments that caught me off-guard but nothing that utterly shook me to my core. I don't see this as a downside because that's the kind of experience it set out to be. As a game of its own volition, it was nothing short of fantastic.

This game oozes with creativity and charm. I love how absolutely new everything feels with the migration from the previous New Super Mario Bros. series artstyle that people got tired of with 2 and U. I also had some co-op experience and I thought that was still great and it got my nostalgia tingling from playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii with my brother growing up. I can't say much other than it was a pleasant experience.