One of the most unique and boldly weird games I've played. The music is fun and catchy, which I think really adds to the jolly, but intensely chaotic nature of the game. The cutscenes are truly bizarre, but none of it is unapproachable. I truly think it's a game that almost anyone could sit down and smile playing.

It’s fun playing through on an arcade collection where you can just keep continuing, but this thing would have been obnoxious to pump quarters in because of how fast you can die on some sections

I appreciate it for how much is on screen and there is fun in the chaos, but I do think the difficulty is a bit much

I guess it's better than the first game? Pretty much all my major issues with the first game are here too. I played the JP version

It's perfectly fine. I like the visual direction and the music, and I still really don't like how it controls at all

It's a very chill game, and it makes you feel good, but it's also a bit stressful seeing how many people are really going through something. Still, it's rewarding to hopefully help someone feel a bit better in their day

One of my favorite games that I can admit goes on for longer than it probably should. The aesthetic is absolutely timeless, and the boss fights were really fun

Great party, great soundtrack, great story, great world. There's no real major aspect of this game that I can point out as failing. All of it reaches such an incredible level of quality. One of my only slight bummers is the soundtrack in the 3DS version. Those MIDI's are horrendous and the open world absolutely loses some luster when there's a bunch of random monsters sliding around like idiots. I still obviously adore it, but I feel like if I played the PS2 version I may have liked it even more.

Took way too long to get in, but this game is very fun

The performance is not great, but I think this game is a lot of fun. Rush and the slide are also pretty essential additions that really make the jump from 2 to 3 feel worthwhile. That being said, I don't think the jump from 2 to 3 is nearly as impressive as from 1 to 2. I'm not familiar with all of the emulated versions of this game, but one without slowdown should be great.

The kind of multiplayer game where I just feel like I'm wasting time and rotting away while I play it

Only with a little minor annoyance that I have to press a button to heal in this one. Why did they add that?

Pretty fun game honestly. I like the music but I wish there was a different track to spice things up. The control system is unique, but it takes a while to get used to. I haven't really played anything particularly like it

I can't believe how much they fundamentally ruined everything about Road to the Show