In what other game can you play the guitar against THE DEVIL???

You know what this game is?? CRAZY. CRAZY. CRAZY.

The game may have been shit for many.... BUT WE HAD FUN PLAYING IN THIS HOUSE!!

The first Guitar Hero I ever played and I will never forget the shocker in my face playing Play With Me in expert and failing miserably LMAO

I love the perpetual afternoon look of this game.

If you've never tried to score a goal with the goal keeper himself you have NOT lived the trials and tribulations of futbol in this game.

She crazy but we love her in this house.

People wanted a new Silent Hill story and now that they got one they're bitching because it's modernized and fresh. LMAO, buncha losers.

It's really primitive, which isn't bad in itself. It just isn't fun. But it's the first ever Halloween game, so I guess it's interesting.

YOU KNOW, I quite liked the plot, I liked the way it played somewhat.

I've always wanted to roleplay as a handsome italian mafioso with a tragic backstory and this game gave me the chance to be that.

That aside, this game was INSANELY FUN.

I don't remember much about this one but I remember I did play it. When I saw a man without a leg I was traumatized. Very cool!

The horrors of Capitalism, now at home!

It was a fun game my family enjoyed. I couldn't get past any enemies cause I was stupid <3

There's no game I come back to more than this one. Everything about this is perfection even if by comparison to modern games it's become primitive.

There's no charm like The Sims 2.